Pilot 'dies suddenly' shortly after takeoff, cause of death 'unknown'

A newly-hired Envoy Air pilot collapsed Saturday just minutes after takeoff and was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after an emergency landing, reports Alex Berenson. 

Captain Patrick Ford had just taken off from Chicago O’Hare Airport and was speaking with air traffic control when his voice suddenly stopped. 

“Can I help you?” the controller asked anxiously. 

“…3556, we need to return, captain is incapacitated,” Ford’s copilot Captain Brandon Hendrickson replied calmly, proceeding to smoothly land the plane. 

Ford was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, though it is unclear if Ford’s body was unconscious or dead throughout the short flight. 

“Despite heroic efforts to revive him, Captain in training, Patrick Ford, passed away,” Envoy Air Vice President of Flight Operations Ric Wilson said in a memo to the airline’s pilots. “We are deeply saddened by this loss.” 

“Sincere thanks to Line Check Airman, Captain Brandon Hendrickson, for his leadership and professionalism in the safe handling of his aircraft, passengers, and crew,” Wilson continued. 

The company has not released a cause of death or officially notified the public of the sudden death of one of its pilots. 

But public concern about air safety appears to be growing following the forced vaccinations of nearly every employed pilot in the United States. 

Other reported cases include a passenger with no flying experience miraculously landing a plane after its pilot suddenly suffered a cardiac event and passed out mid-flight.   

In another incident this year, American Airlines Captain Robert Snow suffered vaccine-induced cardiac arrest six minutes after landing. 

“This is what the vaccine has done for me,” Snow said in a video. “I will probably never fly again, based upon the criteria that the FAA establishes for pilots. I was hoping to teach my daughter to fly. She wants to be a pilot. That will probably never happen. All courtesy of the vaccine. This is unacceptable and I am one of the victims. You can see that this is the actual result of the vaccine for some of us. Mandatory, no questions asked. Get the shot or you’re fired. This is not the American way.”   

In yet another harrowing episode, Captain Cody Flint nearly blacked out during his flight two days after getting injected last year. While he safely landed the plane, Flint has no recollection of doing so.     

Flint’s story was included in a December 2021 letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Justice, and major airlines such as Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Airlines and Alaska Airlines.   

The letter, signed by some of the world’s foremost medical experts, urged the FAA to medically flag all vaccinated pilots and have them examined to avoid catastrophic events resulting from the vaccine. Many pages of evidence were appended to the letter attesting to the dangerous effect of the vaccine, including multiple reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), and affidavits from medical experts.  

The letter also contested that allowing vaccinated pilots to fly runs counter to aviation guidance, which says that pilots should not be allowed to fly if using medication that the “FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved less than 12 months ago. The FAA generally requires at least one-year of post-marketing experience with a new drug before consideration for aeromedical certification purposes. This observation period allows time for uncommon, but aeromedically significant, adverse effects to manifest themselves....”  

But not only are pilots being allowed to fly after having the COVID-19 injection, they are being forced to do so. Furthermore, the injections have not been approved by the FDA at all, instead remaining under an emergency use authorization (EUA).  

“Currently, not only have all pilots flying commercial airplanes not had at least one year of post-marketing time elapse post-FDA approval of the agent injected into their bodies, these pilots are flying with an entirely UNAPPROVED product in their systems, that is now unfortunately proving to cause all manner of clotting, embolic and thrombosis-related side effects (which side effects are known to occur with greater frequency and severity when at altitude).  

“Additionally, across all populations, the inoculations are resulting in significant increases in myocarditis and subsequent heart failure, arrhythmias, cardiac arrests, and deaths,” the letter continued. “This is especially true in the younger male cohort, to which many pilots belong.”  

The letter warned that “should the FAA fail to ground and medically de-certify all pilots” who received the COVID-19 injections, it “will be putting many innocent airline passengers' lives in harm's way in the event a pilot loses control of his aircraft after suffering a major bloodclotting event (pulmonary embolism, stroke, etc.) or a myocarditis-related event, either of which can result in incapacitation, cardiac arrest, and death.”  

The letter was signed by Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D., Dr. Ryan Cole, M.D., LTC Colonel Theresa Long, M.D., MPH, Pilot Cody Flint, and human rights attorneys.