Pharma profits, COVID-19, and the Marburg virus vaccine

Special incentives for pharma mean huge profits

Marburg Virus is a very rare virus that was discovered about 55 years ago. It is spread through personal contact and contact with body fluids, but not aerosolized particles, as we’ve been told is the case with COVID-19 and some other viruses. It has a high mortality rate, but extremely low case rate. Most of us have never even heard of it; a total of 474 people are known to have been affected by it, to date, yet companies have already developed a PCR test and vaccine for it.[1] Why develop a vaccine for a disease that’s infected fewer than 500 people worldwide since it’s discovery in 1967?

The pharmaceutical industry is, perhaps, the largest industry in the world. It has gained for itself tremendous profits and huge power, especially since governments are helping to fund and protect these companies. One of the ways they profit is by producing drugs and biologics[2] for which the government has given them special financial incentives not provided to manufacturers in any other industry. Orphan drugs are one example.

Orphan drugs[3] are medications developed to treat rare conditions which affect fewer than 200,000 Americans. In order to incentivize pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs that treat these illnesses, since they are not cost effective to produce (there is not a large enough market for the product), the US government gave pharmaceutical companies a number of financial incentives to produce these drugs at reasonable cost to the patient. Drug companies, however, have taken advantage of the government’s (i.e. taxpayers') largesse. Following the announcement of these incentives, the development of orphan drugs skyrocketed, the prices were made exorbitant rather than affordable and, now, these “orphan drugs” are being offered, at the same high prices, as remedies for illnesses than do not fall into the orphan drug category. (See image below.)

How Big Pharma Games the Orphan Drug Act
Orphan drugs have become a lucrative business opportunity for drug makers. Pharmaceutical companies are seeking “orphan” status to develop blockbuster drugs used to treat other common medical conditions. They reap the benefits of orphan status – subsidies, tax credits, and waivers – while generating billions of dollars in profits.

The pharmaceutical industry has also reaped tremendous profit from vaccines after receiving financial incentive to continue producing them.  In 1986, vaccine manufacturers were facing multiple lawsuits from the damage caused by the DTP vaccine which threatened to bankrupt them. They, in turn, threatened Congress that without relief from liability they would go out of business altogether and not produce any vaccines anymore. Duly alarmed, President Regan signed, and congress passed the 1986 law, providing vaccine manufacturers with immunity from liability for any injury or death caused by mandated vaccines. Instead, congress created a fund to compensate individuals by levying a $0.75 tax on each vaccine dose and an administrative system to “adjudicate” claims.[4] With no liability, vaccine development and production went into high gear and the number of vaccines skyrocketed. Today children in the United States get 72 doses by the time they are 18 (see image at right).

The global vaccine market was worth more than 35 billion in 2020 and is expected to increase to over $83.5 billion by 2027; the United States & Canada (NA) market share was 38% (image below).[5]

Pharmaceutical companies also enjoy immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) caused by their Covid-19vaccines and other therapies which are authorized under an EUA – emergency use authorization, by the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act.  The PREP Act was amended to cover Covid-19, as of February 4, 2020.[6]

In early April 2020, Bill Gates, who owns shares in BioNTech and Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers,[7],[8] declared that the COVID-19 pandemic would not be over until just about everyone on the planet was vaccinated.[9] PCR tests have been used as proof of the pandemic since most people who are “sick” with COVID-19 don’t even know it.

COVID-19 vaccines have helped propel pharma company profits to new heights.[10]

According to the World Economic Forum, as of July 2021, the COVID-19 vaccine market is worth $150 billion dollars.[11] Company profits aren’t the only things that grew as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines - pharma personnel have seen their fortunes grow, making 9 new pharma billionaires! (The ones who lose are the individuals harmed by the vaccines who have no recourse since the manufacturers have no liability.)[12]

Getting back to the Marburg virus…

Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic disease similar to Ebola. Fruit bats are reservoirs for the virus. Green monkeys can contract it, and people in contact with these animals or areas where they live, such as mines and caves, can become infected. When someone visiting a country where the virus is endemic contracts it, they often bring it back to their home country, although those cases are generally isolated and involve few people. The first cases of Marburg virus were found in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany, and Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavia) after laboratory work with African green monkeys.[13]

From its discovery in 1967 to the current date, there have been 474 cases and 373 fatalities. 355 of these fatalities occurred during the two major outbreaks of the virus, between 1998-2000 and 2004-2005. Between 2007 and 2021 there have been 29 cases and 16 deaths (18 cases and 9 deaths occurred in 2017).[14] The last incident and death, in August 2021, affected one person in Guinea and was declared over less than 6 weeks after it was first detected.[15]

Furthermore, even though it is claimed that there is no cure for Ebola or Marburg Virus, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, in a lecture on Vitamin C, explained that Vitamin C can successfully treat Ebola and other hemorrhagic diseases. This is similar to health agency claims that COVID-19 has no treatment, yet Vitamin C (and other nutrients and repurposed drugs) have been used by some hospitals and doctors to successfully treat COVID-19.[16]

The markedly low incidence and low transmission of the virus makes it even more rare than the orphan diseases for which orphan drugs are produced, yet in June 2010, a NIH press release announced the development of a vaccine for the virus,[17] in March 2019, the HHS announced development of a Marburg Virus vaccine,[18] and in April 2021, Gavi, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, founded, in part, by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, suggested that Marburg Virus may be the next pandemic.[19]

PCR tests create epidemics that don't exist

It has been long known that PCR tests can create epidemics that don’t exist. A 2007 NY Times article[20] exposed the false epidemics created by PCR tests; the largest one, at that time, was a supposed whooping cough epidemic among staff in a hospital.

For months, nearly everyone involved thought the medical center had had a huge whooping cough outbreak, with extensive ramifications. Nearly 1,000 health care workers at the hospital in Lebanon, N.H., were given a preliminary test and furloughed from work until their results were in; 142 people, including Dr. Herndon, were told they appeared to have the disease; and thousands were given antibiotics and a vaccine for protection. Hospital beds were taken out of commission, including some in intensive care.

Then, about eight months later, health care workers were dumbfounded to receive an e-mail message from the hospital administration informing them that the whole thing was a false alarm.
Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test, growing the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, in the laboratory. Instead, it appears the health care workers probably were afflicted with ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold.

Now, as they look back on the episode, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists say the problem was that they placed too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test that led them astray.

… “You cannot imagine,” Dr. Talbot said. “I had a feeling at the time that this gave us a shadow of a hint of what it might be like during a pandemic flu epidemic.

According to the CDC’s instructions for use of the PCR test, initially released online February 5, 2020, (effective February 4, 2020, the same date from which Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers and anyone administering Covid-19 therapies became exempt from liability by the PREP Act) a Positive PCR test does not mean you can “rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.” The CDC document also states that a negative test does not mean that the person does not have Covid-19 and physicians should not uses it as the sole basis for determining a patient’s treatment.[21]

Even though the PCR tests are not to be relied on, this is precisely what the NIH and CDC, which profit from vaccines and related technology,[22] have been relying on until now. Considering the pseudo epidemics of years prior and the CDC acknowledgement that positive or negative PCR results are not reliable indicators, and the too-high cycle threshold, one must ask if profits influenced the CDC to allow PCR tests to be used to declare the pandemic, the continuous outbreaks attributed to Covid-19, and the need for a Covid-19 vaccine in the first place.

In September 2020, the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine of the UiT, The Artic University of Norway published an article[23] which discussed the PCR tests for Covid-19, explaining that the only way you can know if a positive PCR test means that the virus is capable of replicating and the person is infectious is by culturing the virus to see if it grows, as was ultimately done by the hospital with the whooping cough epidemic that wasn’t. Yet, the entire world was forced into a pandemic, creating economic and personal catastrophes, with a test proven to be inappropriate for the purpose and highly inaccurate.

A paper by Swiss Policy Research,[24] originally published October 2020, listed the following problems with the PCR test:

  1. There can be large-scale test kit contamination, as both the US and the UK (and several African countries) discovered during the early phase of the pandemic.
  2. There can be testing site or lab contamination, which has led to countless false positive results, school closures, nursing home quarantines, canceled sports events, and more.
  3. The PCR test can react to other coronaviruses. According to lab examinations, this happens in about 1% to 3% of cases if only one target gene is tested, as is the case in many (but not all) labs and as the WHO itself has recommended to avoid ambiguous positive/negative test results.
  4. The PCR test can detect non-infectious virus fragments weeks after an active infection, or from an infection of a contact person, as the US CDC confirmed.
  5. The PCR test can detect viable virus in quantities too small to be infectious …

Is there a Marburg Virus pandemic in the works?

In 2015, Bill Gates warned[25] that:

If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Not missiles, but microbes.

In 2017, Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID (National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease) said that there will be a surprise outbreak during President Trump's administration.[26] How did he know?

In January 2017, Bill Gates warned:

“I think an epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused, is the most likely thing to cause, say, 10,000 excess deaths,” Gates said.[27]

On October 18, 2019, Event 201 took place. This was a simulation of a global pandemic which began with a coronavirus, modeled largely on SARS, that hopped from bats to pigs to people, becoming transmissible among people and leading to a global pandemic. It was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.[28]

Just ten days later, Fauci was one of several health experts who sat on a panel at the Milken Institute Summit (held October 28-29. 2019), to discuss the need for a universal flu vaccine with the premise that there was (at that time) “no greater threat to global health, security, and the economy” than the emergence of a flu “that could spark the next global pandemic.”[29]

​Why don’t we blow the system up?” asked the talk’s moderator, The New Yorker staff writer Michael Specter, addressing the group’s consensus that they “urgently” needed a new, “disruptive” way of quickly making vaccines.

When Specter asked the panel how far we are from creating vaccines within a matter of hours, Rick Bright, Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), proposed mRNA technology as a way to super-expedite vaccine production …

“We need to move as quickly and urgently as possible to get these technologies that address speed and the effectiveness of the vaccine.”

Bright proposed that “in parallel” to current methods of vaccine creation, “there might be a need and an urgent call for an entity of excitement,” in contrast to what one panelist complained was “unsexy” flu vaccine work that failed to attract many young innovators. Bright further proposed that this new method would be “completely disruptive” and “not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”

Fauci pointed out that “there isn’t anybody that’s afraid of influenza,” claiming there is “a misperception that it is not a serious disease.”

“So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that, unless you do it from within and say, ‘I don’t care what your perception is, we’re gonna address the problem in a disruptive way, and in an iterative way, because you do need both,” he said.

A couple of months later Covid-19 was making headlines and declared a global pandemic by the WHO .

In April 2020, GAVI, tied to the Gates Foundation, wondered about an upcoming Marburg Virus pandemic.

In June 2020, Bill Gates sent out a warning that “we'll have to prepare for the next one [pandemic] that you know, I'd say, will get attention this time.”[30] He is quoted as saying the next one could be 10 times worse.[31]

Will PCR (or other) testing[32] of healthy people serve to make Marburg Virus the next pandemic and provide a reason to inoculate every person on the planet with the Marburg Virus vaccine?

Or, perhaps it will be a smallpox pandemic.

On November 4, 2021, Bill Gates warned of smallpox terror attacks and urged leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare. He also wants to see the creation of a new World Health Organization Pandemic Task Force and suggested that countries spend billions of dollars in research and development as well.[33] Just 13 days later, vials labeled ‘smallpox’ were said to have been found in a vaccine research center in Pennsylvania.[34] There's a PCR test for smallpox, too.[35]

Which pandemic will be the next profit center for Fauci and Gates,[36] the NIH, CDC, pharma, and pharma billionaires?

Will we be having a pandemic of pandemics?


[1] See “Getting back to the Marburg virus vaccine” below.

[2] "What Are "Biologics" Questions And Answers". U.S. Food And Drug Administration, 2019,

[3] "Big Pharma, Big Profits: Orphan Drugs". Big Pharma, Big Profits: Orphan Drugs, 2021,

[4] “An Introduction to Vaccine Safety”, Icandecide.Org, 2021,

[5] "Vaccines Market Size | Global Industry Share Forecast Report 2027". Global Market Insights, Inc., 2021,

[6] “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act”. Phe.Gov, 2021,

[7] "Follow The Money: Bill Gates With Major Shares In Pfizer & BioNTech Funds UK MHRA, Chair JVCI, The Agencies Advising Govt. On Vaccines… Kids to Be Jabbed Despite High Risk-Benefit Ratio - Newsrescue.Com". Newsrescue.Com - 100% News 0% Junk, 2021,

[8] "While The Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer". The Nation, 2020,

[9] Fordham, Evie. "Bill Gates: Until Coronavirus Vaccine, World Won't Be 'Truly Normal'". Fox Business, 2020,

[10] Savage, Luke. Big Pharma Is Making a Killing from Vaccine Apartheid. (2021).

[11] Bernaert, Arnaud. “The COVID vaccine market is worth at least $150 billion. Can we stop it being flooded with fakes?”. (2021).

[12] Hanna Ziady, CNN Business. "Covid Vaccine Profits Mint 9 New Pharma Billionaires". CNN, 2021,

[13] "About Marburg Virus Disease | Marburg (Marburg Virus Disease) | CDC". Cdc.Gov, 2021,

[14] "Aborted Fetal Cells and Vaccines – A Scandal Much Bigger Than Pfizer’S Whistleblower Ever Imagined – America's Frontline Doctors". Americasfrontlinedoctors.Org, 2021,

[15] "Guinea Declares End Of Marburg Virus Outbreak". CNN, 2021,

[16] See note 14

[17] "NIH-Supported Experimental Marburg Vaccine Prevents Disease Two Days After Infection". National Institutes Of Health (NIH), 2015,

[18] “HHS’ BARDA funds its first Marburg virus vaccine development”, Phe.Gov, 2021,] declaring the virus a biodefense and public health threat

[19] Priya, Joi, "The Next Pandemic: Marburg?". Gavi.Org, 2021,

[20] Kolata, Gina. "Faith In Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t (Published 2007)". Nytimes.Com, 2007,

[21] “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”. FDA.2020.

[22] "‘Recipes for Regulatory Corruption’: How CDC, NIH Pull in Millions from Licensing Deals, Including COVID-Related Technologies". Children's Health Defense, 2021,;  "CDC Members Own More Than 50 Patents Connected To Vaccinations". www.Lawfirms.Com, 2021,

[23] Chiesa, Matteo, and Hernandez, Sergio. S., "PCR Positives: What Do They Mean? - The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine". The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, 2021,

[24] "The Trouble with PCR Tests". Swiss Policy Research, 2020,

[25] "Bill Gates: The Next Outbreak? We're not ready |TED. Youtube.Com, 2021,

[26] Golgowski, Nina. "Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration". Huffpost UK, 2020,

[27]Shontell, Alyson. "Bill Gates Warns That A New Kind Of Terrorism Could Be Coming, And The 'Potential Damage Is Very, Very Huge'". Business Insider Australia, 2017,; Anthony Fauci's office funded the gain of function-research which creates more transmissible or virulent pathogens. "Fauci Gain Of Function Docs! - Judicial Watch". Judicial Watch, 2021,

[28] "Event 201, A Pandemic Exercise To Illustrate Preparedness Efforts". Even 201, 2021,

[29] Carillo, Anton. "Video Reveals Fauci Talking About ‘China’ Virus, Global Vaccines Weeks Before COVID Spreads". Christianity Daily, 2021,

[30] "A Special Path Forward with Bill and Melinda Gates". Youtube.Com, 2021,

[31] "Bill Gates Warns That a Next Pandemic Could Be 10 times Worse". Msn.Com, 2021,

[32] "Diagnosis | Marburg (Marburg Virus Disease) | CDC". Cdc.Gov, 2021,

[33] Reilly, Luke. "Bill Gates Warns Of Smallpox Terror Attacks And Urges Leaders To Use ‘Germ Games’ ". Standard.Co.Uk, 2021,

[34 Fox, Maggie, CNN. "Vials Labeled 'Smallpox' Found At Vaccine Research Facility In Pennsylvania, CDC Says". CNN, 2021,

[35] Ibrahim, Sofi & Kulesh, David & Saleh, Sharron & Damon, Inger & Esposito, Joseph & Schmaljohn, Alan & Jahrling, Peter. (2003). Real-time PCR assay to detect smallpox virus. Journal of clinical microbiology. 41. 3835-9. 10.1128/JCM.41.8.3835-3839.2003

[36] O'Brien, Shane, "Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Says Dr. Fauci And Bill Gates Stand To Profit From COVID-19 Vaccine". Irishcentral.Com, 2020,