Pfizer vaccine works, says Pfizer study

A new study published Sunday says that Pfizer’s vaccine saved 110,000 lives by protecting them from death due to COVID-19.  

“It was estimated that, in 2021, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (BNT162b2) contributed to averting almost 9 million symptomatic cases, close to 700,000 hospitalizations, and over 110,000 deaths, resulting in an estimated $30.4 billion direct healthcare cost savings, $43.7 billion indirect cost savings related to productivity loss, as well as discounted gains of 1.1 million QALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years),” says the study. 

The study was sponsored by Pfizer, with some of the study’s authors directly employed by Pfizer while others received money from the pharma giant for their authorships, all of which was duly disclosed in the study. 

Five of the study’s ten authors are employees of Pfizer and may hold stock or stock options, four authors are employees of Evidera, “a paid consultant to Pfizer in connection with the development of this study”, and one “received consulting fees from Pfizer in connection with the development of this study and manuscript.” 

“The analyses show that the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (BNT162b2) has had a profound public health impact in the US in 2021,” the authors crowed, “by preventing millions of symptomatic cases, thousands of hospitalizations, and deaths, which translated into significant cost-savings in the billions of US dollars, considering direct costs only (i.e. payer perspective), as well as a societal perspective incorporative of productivity losses for the affected individuals.” 

Notably, while few mainstream media outlets covered the promotional study, Israel’s Jerusalem Post and i24 News were perhaps the most enthusiastic about Pfizer’s study on the Pfizer vaccine. 

“Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine prevented almost 700,000 hospitalizations – study,” trumpeted the Jerusalem Post. 

Israel has famously acted as Pfizer’s laboratory, having been the first country to distribute Pfizer’s experimental injection to its citizens. 

"I believe Israel has become the world's lab right now because they are using only our vaccine at this state and they have vaccinated a very big part of their population, so we can study both economy and health indices,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said early last year. 

The State of Israel rose to the occasion and began aggressively pushing Pfizer’s shot, which it now uses exclusively. 

“Vaccine refusers are endangering everyone else’s health, the people around them, and the freedom of all Israelis,” said Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in July 2021. “They’re threatening our freedom to work, the freedom of our children to learn.” 

“Vaccine refusers are hurting all of us," he added. 

When the state began its campaign to vaccinate children, Bennett encouraged parents who injected their children to “fight” with those who chose not to inject their children. 

“I want the parents of those who vaccinated their children to put pressure on the parents who did not vaccinate,” he said in September 2021. “I want the parents to compete with each other. Let them fight.” 

In a January interview between political commentator Candace Owens and mRNA co-inventor Dr. Robert Malone, the two discussed Israel’s experimentation on its population. 

“I cannot put this together of why [Israel] would be at the forefront of continually boosting to no effect essentially, because we now know they lied in the beginning...I just cannot understand the mentality of their government,” Owens said incredulously.