Pfizer executive admits COVID shots likely impacting fertility

A Pfizer executive unwittingly admitted that the pharma giant’s COVID-19 vaccine may be impacting female reproductive health by interfering with their menstrual cycles.

The admission was published last week by guerrilla journalism group Project Veritas as the third video from its sting operation targeting Pfizer’s Research and Development, Strategic Operations Director Jordan Trishton Walker.

In the first video published last month, Walker revealed to his “date” — an undercover Project Veritas journalist — that Pfizer was exploring ways to create new COVID-19 variants to keep up vaccine sales.

"One of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate [the COVID virus] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses," Walker said to the reporter.

Last week’s video showed Walker also admitting that he is concerned about the vaccine’s impact on menstrual cycles. 

“I hope nobody is growing three legs or something like that,” the journalist prompted. 

“Yeah, or the entire next generation is super f***** up. Could you imagine the scandal? Oh my God,” Walker replied. “I would take Pfizer off my resume.”

“There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles. So, people will have to investigate that down the line, because that is a little concerning,” he added. “The vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that.”

Walker also told the journalist that he hopes “we don’t discover something really bad down the line. I hope we don’t find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in your body and like — because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles.”

The executive explained that the vaccine is impacting the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, which he said controls the cycle.

“So, if [the vaccine] is impacting that, it has to be impacting these hormones somehow,” he said.

Walker also admitted that Pfizer is aiming to use mRNA vaccine technology for “gene editing,” though he did not elaborate.

Last year, then-National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to “the menstrual thing,” though he insisted it is “transient and temporary”. Other federal scientists and medical establishment operatives either parroted Fauci's claim or denied any connection between the vaccine and menstrual cycles altogether, despite glaring evidence to the contrary.

The mRNA vaccine has already been shown to impact male fertility by decreasing motility beginning two to four months after the injection.

In the original video posted by Project Veritas, Walker told the undercover journalist how Pfizer is planning to mutate the coronavirus and begged him not to tell.

Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.

From what I’ve heard is [Pfizer scientists] are optimizing [the COVID mutation process], but they’re going slow because everyone is very cautious — obviously they don’t want to accelerate it too much. I think they are also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations.

The Pfizer executive also confirmed that the pharmaceutical industry "is a revolving door for all government officials" which has FDA officials finding executive jobs with mega pharma corporations like Pfizer. This, he said, is “pretty good for the industry to be honest” but “bad for everybody else in America." He explained that “when the regulators reviewing our drugs know that once they stop regulating, they are going to work for the company, they are not going to be as hard towards the company that’s going to give them a job.”

Hours after the first release, Project Veritas posted a second video showing the guerrilla journalism group’s founder James O’Keefe confronting Walker about his remarks. Walker assaulted O’Keefe and grabbed his iPad, resulting in a scuffle.