People's Convoy aims to lay siege to DC like a ‘boa constrictor’

People's Convoy organizer Bob Bolus has announced the trucking caravan’s plan to shut down the Beltway this March in protest of the Biden administration's COVID-19 mandates. The Beltway is a 64-mile stretch of interstate highway that surrounds the center of the United States government in Washington, D.C., including the Capitol building. 

The People’s Convoy, also referred to as the DC Freedom Convoy, was inspired by its northern counterpart, the Canadian 2022 Freedom Convoy, which shut down the city of Ottawa for nearly a month in response to heavy-handed COVID-19 mandates. The People’s Convoy intends to depart from California around February 23rd to reach Washington, D.C. on or about March 1st, to coincide with President Biden's State of the Union address.  

At least one thousand trucks are expected to lead the convoy, to be joined by other vehicles from other parts of the country. 

In an interview today with Lindsay Watts of Fox 5, Bolus made clear that the intention is not simply to park the trucks and vehicles, but to surround Washington, D.C. like a “boa constrictor”. 

“We intend to circle Washington, D.C., and basically, I’ll give you an analogy of that of a giant boa constrictor,” Bolus said. “That basically squeezes you, chokes you, and then swallows you. And that’s what we’re going to do to D.C.” 

Bolus also said that a lane will be open to allow emergency vehicles, but people will still not be able to get to work. 

“We will not compromise anybody’s safety or health, one way or the other,” said Bolus. “But if they can’t get to work, geez, that’s too bad.” 

Thousands of government workers have been terminated recently due to Biden’s vaccine mandate, including military personnel. Most recently, 640 Marines were dismissed from the United States Marine Corps for not being vaccinated, as reported by AFLDS Frontline News. 

In a later tweet, Watts said that DMV law enforcement is “having a hard time finding tow trucks” to tow the convoy’s vehicles when they reach the capital. 

Last year, Bolus filed a motion with a Lackawanna County court challenging an initiative to rename two streets after Joe Biden. Bolus’ motion was denied. 

Facebook shut down the People’s Convoy page earlier this month.