Ottawa update: Dr Paul Alexander tells truckers science on their side

Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Alexander today issued an Ottawa situation update, writing that the Canadian government has not been able to get the truckers and other protesters to leave. They have no answers for the scientists such as Dr. Alexander and so, are resorting to brute force in an effort to end the protests and silence the scientists.  Contrary to earlier reports, Dr. Alexander and the other scientists have not been arrested.

Dr. Alexander wrote, “This (Saturday) morning, the reports from insiders were that my talks and science was so very punishing to the govn’s narrative which showed that the truckers had 100% of the science on their side. That vaccine mandates were unscientific and had no data or evidence to support them, especially given more than 10 nations recently moved (announced) to scrap mandates.”

Unconfirmed reports abounded of arrest warrants being issued, however as of late Saturday night, indications were that these reports were bogus.  These tactics were meant to scare Dr. Alexander and the other scientists into silence.  Dr. Alexander writes that they were, “meant to scare me and others into not taking the stage or talking to the truckers.”

Dr. Alexander continued, “The information so far indicates that (Dr. Roger) Hodkinson, me, anyone are being silenced and I in particular given the manner I speak and the potency of the message and how I deliver it. I was told today that my interviews scare the govn and especially when I talk directly to the police and military about the lack of safety of the vaccines and the lethality of myocarditis to their young children (mainly males) if they take the vaccine. I am told this was expected that they would push to silence me even if what I am saying is to educate and inform and help.”

Clearly, the government wants to shut down the independent scientists who are speaking truth to power and not adhering to the government narrative.  The government is using the police to do its dirty work.  Dr. Alexander, however, makes it clear that his and the truckers’ fight is for the police, too.

“I close by reminding the police that the fight the trucker wages and I, is for you too, so that you are not harmed by the mandates, so that your child does not drop dead on the soccer field from vaccine induced myocarditis, and that your parents and grand parents can get early treatment and not have to suffer on the ventilator and treated when its too late. The fight is for the police too. They must keep this in mind and understand that the trucker is waging a battle unlike any other and should be protected and not harmed.”