Officials deny COVID vaccine killed pilots

British Airways has confirmed the deaths of four previously healthy pilots, but corporation spokesmen and government officials continue to deny a connection to the COVID-19 vaccine.One of the British Airways pilots' deaths occurred at a well-known mountain trail bike park, and was reported by the UK New Valley News. Edward Brice-Bennett, 33, was spotted unconscious on a trail next to his bike in Tidworth, Wiltshire. Emergency services arriving at the scene confirmed Brice-Bennett's death.[embed][/embed]A post mortem examination showed two conditions, abdominal trauma and haemoperitoneum [internal bleeding], but no cause of death had yet been ascertained. Toxicology and histology tests have been ordered, and the inquest adjourned to a date to be fixed.Retired medic S. Thomas commented on the reports, saying: "Usually falling off your bike would not lead to death from internal abdominal bleeding as the platelets and clotting system would control that aspect."Following the jab, platelets are known to significantly drop which would result in increased risk of bleeding. Anyone having the jab should be advised to avoid contact sports. Better still how about some simple monitoring of full blood count in everyone a week after the jab to get more info."Other reports claiming that British Airways was in “crisis talks” with the UK government due to the deaths of the pilots were called "unfounded" by a company representative and British medicines regulator speaking to Reuters.[embed][/embed]Reuters presented the claims to British Airways, which said that no such talks were underway with the government. The spokesman, however, did confirm the authenticity of the four condolence books, as four company pilots had recently passed away. “Our thoughts are with their family and friends,” they said, adding that none of the deaths was linked to vaccines.In a statement to Reuters, the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) also denied any such crisis talks with British Airways.MHRA Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines Director Dr. Sarah Branch said they have “not been made aware of deaths of BA pilots after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and have not had discussions with BA or other airlines, about preventing pilots from flying after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.”

International Air Transport Association spokesman Anthony Concil told the Associated Press: “I can confirm that this is nonsense. We do have a medical advisory group that looks at health and air travel issues. This is not an issue on their agenda.”

Concil added: “As far as we are aware there are no meetings taking place among airlines on this topic.” He also noted that the IATA, a trade association for global airlines, is “not aware of any suggestion in medical literature” that the kind of rare blood clots linked to certain COVID-19 vaccines has any impact on air travel.Headlines in Spain and Russia claim airlines are warning people who have been vaccinated not to travel. Quoting consulting doctor Yevgeny Kovalev, the reports say airplane flights can be dangerous for people vaccinated against the coronavirus.Mass vaccination against coronavirus has been carried out in Russia for several months. However, Dr. Kovalev was cited by the "Public News Service" saying COVID-vaccinated Russians could face even greater restrictions and health problems, and may be banned from flying.

In related news, a 33-year-old pilot from Mississippi with no prior medical issues can no longer tolerate altitude after receiving the Pfizer shot, according to his report to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS):

[embed][/embed]Meanwhile, Reuters reported that United Airlines and its pilots' union have reached an agreement to prohibit the airline from mandating COVID-19 vaccinations to its pilots, the Air Line Pilots Association said. "Since the COVID vaccination is not mandatory, pilots who elect not to be vaccinated will not be subject to any discipline," the agreement stated.[embed][/embed]