NYC health commissioner pushes COVID fear, calls drug use ‘empowering’

New York City Health Commissioner Ashwan Vasan drew fire Monday for attempting to fan the flames of COVID panic as the city’s health department encourages the “empowering” use of drugs. 

“Remember, NYC's COVID Alert Level is still HIGH,” tweeted Vasan. “If you are getting together with friends and family today: Get tested; Wear a face mask in all public indoor settings and crowded outdoor settings; Stay home if you're sick or were recently exposed” 

The health commissioner also attached a graphic showing that the city is on high alert for COVID-19. 

Currently, New York City’s mask mandate applies only to children under 5 years old. Vasan has recently threatened to bring back the mandate for adults as well. 

“It’s clear that if we moved into a high risk and high alert environment, we’d be seriously considering bringing those mandates back,” Vasan told CNBC earlier this month. 

At the same time, Vasan’s Department of Health is running an ad campaign that is under heavy criticism for appearing to condone drug use. 

"Don't be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely," reads a subway ad published by the New York City Department of Health. 

The ad offers other advice, such as using drugs in groups and beginning with small doses. 

Social media users did not take kindly to Visan’s tweet. 

“I can’t believe I still live in this hellhole,” said one. 

“Remember: mind your own business.” 

“Why is it still high in NYC? What are you doing wrong?” 

“Mate. It’s normal here in the UK. For the love of god unmask your toddlers. The world thinks you’re insane." 

“Remember when you launched an advertising campaign telling people that doing heroin is empowering?” 

“But if you’re using fentanyl, feel free to ignore all of that advice and see one of our friendly subway ads with tips on how to abuse substances in a way that’s empowering. Because, health!” 

“Weird that COVID cases are increasing despite your highly effective toddler mask mandate.” 

“Didn't you take an oath to do no harm? Maybe get back to honoring that and stop trying to create unnecessary fear.” 

“@NYCHealthCommr they could really use your level of paranoia in China. Please leave us alone and move to where they share your ideology.”