Nurse who blamed COVID on ‘Right-wing conspiracy news’ 'dies suddenly'

A Texas nurse who blamed COVID-19 on “Right-wing conspiracy news outlets,” the unvaccinated, and those who didn’t wear masks, died suddenly this month. No cause of death has been revealed.

Kathryn Wyant Huffman worked as a float nurse at Medical City Dallas Hospital and would rant on social media about those who were not compliant with mandates, while lauding those who took the injections as having “good sense and courage”.

In November 2020, Huffman took to Facebook to shame people she saw not wearing masks, claiming they “watch a lot of Fox News”. The then-57-year-old praised those who complied with restrictions as “decent, caring neighbors and citizens”.

I just had a thoroughly enjoyable moment.  Walked into 7-11 near my house after working 13 hours on covid ICU, ballfields across the street full of children’s baseball games in full swing. 2 grown men, stereotypical sports’ Dads, separately, walk into store with no mask.  Proprietor has handmade sign on door, “mask mandatory.”  Walking like they own the place.  Could care less.  I’m in scrubs with name of my very well-known hospital embroidered on shirt.  Mask on.  They looked at me and just gave an indignant look.  How fun!  Can’t ignore a covid healthcare worker, Bro.  Sure wish they would do their part...because in my humble opinion schools, businesses and entertainment events should all be back open, but with compliant mask-wearing, staying 6-feet apart, and just being a decent, caring neighbor and citizen.  No doubt they watch a lot of Fox News.

Dozens of Huffman’s friends and family members replied to the post, some advocating violence against those who refuse to cover their faces. Huffman blamed President Trump for the behavior, whom she hoped “will be gone from the White House soon”. When someone commented that those who wear masks need to start carrying guns “to protect ourselves from these Trump idiots,” Huffman expressed her agreement.

In a dramatic August 2021 post, Huffman claimed that only the unvaccinated were contracting COVID-19, for which she again blamed Fox News and other “right wing conspiracy news outlets”:

Tonight is an emotional night, because I am back to work on covid for the 6th straight night.  And as it rages on, with 80 plus admissions, a massive ongoing surge among ONLY unvaccinated people, for weeks now, my mind is focused, on the woman I have cared for, for days, who, like so many of them, is just not improving, after 3 weeks…and finally, we must transfer her to ICU, where she is about to be intubated, and will sit on that ventilator until she dies all alone, and as the ICU team prepares her for transport, she begs to see me.  So I go in, and she pleads, with so much fear in her eyes, and her voice, “don’t let them take me, don’t let them take me, I want to stay here, in this room.”  And it fills my eyes with tears, and it angers me so much, that this garbage has been spread, by the likes of Fox News, and these irresponsible, heartless, ignorant right wing conspiracy news outlets, that the vaccine is to be mistrusted, so these people do not get it.  And here they are, sick as dogs, terrified, and who knows if they will make it.  So this is how it is at my hospital for the last month.  And it is all I can do, to keep quiet, and not vent my frustration, for the misinformation that has left all of this people so vulnerable.

Huffman suddenly passed away in her sleep on July 3rd. She was found by her son Gabriel.