Numerous studies demonstrate effectiveness of early COVID treatment

Since the emergence of COVID, various early treatments have been tried and have shown success in battling serious cases. The concept in early treatment is that the medication be administered as soon as symptoms start (or within the first four days) to prevent the infection from getting serious. Amongst treatments that use conventional medication, four have emerged as verifiably effective based on clinical studies. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc, and Vitamin D used according to various protocols have been shown to prevent hospitalization and death due to COVID.[embed][/embed]Hydroxychloroquine used with zinc represents one of the safe and effective methods of treatment for COVID. Zinc is an essential mineral that has been used to stop viruses from replicating. Hydroxychloroquine has the ability to transport zinc through the cellular wall, to more efficiently stop that replication. With over 70 years of proven safety, the WHO considers Hydroxychloroquine one of the “most efficacious, safe, and cost-effective medicines” on the market. When used as part of the “Zelenko Protocol,” developed by Dr. Zev Zelenko (USA), COVID-19 hospitalizations were reduced by 84% in high-risk patients. Aside from Zelenko’s research, there are 32 other studies that show 96% positive effects, and a 75% reduction in death when used in various combinations. Ivermectin was first developed as a veterinary drug in the 1970s, however, since 1988 it has been prescribed for humans to combat various parasitic infections. Later it was also added to the WHO’s list of essential medications and in 2015 the inventors were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.While Ivermectin can be used as a prophylactic in order to prevent COVID, it is also used in early and late treatment protocols. As early treatment there have been 63 studies that have tested its effectiveness, overall these studies show a 69% improvement. As prophylactic, there have been 14 studies and overall show an 86% improvement.Advocating for the use of Ivermectin is Dr. Pierre Kory, a founder of Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Kory, along with the other professionals at the FLCCC developed the specific protocol to prevent and treat COVID using Ivermectin. In December 2020 Dr. Kory and others gave an impassioned plea, backed by scientific research at a committee hearing in the U.S. Senate. Stating that Ivermectin “basically obliterates transmission of this virus,” with “miraculous effectiveness.” Vitamin D deficiency was found to be high in COVID patients admitted to the hospital. Another study suggested that insufficient vitamin D could account for as many as 9 out of 10 COVID deaths. More recently this study found that pre-infection deficiency of vitamin D is associated with increased COVID severity and mortality. With that background, vitamin D treatment seemed like a good thing to try. Studies using vitamin D for COVID are fewer than the other treatments, five studies in total, with an overall improvement of 80%. Used as a prophylactic, however, the improvement was only 20% overall. With the focus on vaccination and later-stage treatments, early treatments seem to have been overlooked. The evidence, based on numerous scientific studies, shows that there are several medications that make a significant positive impact against COVID. The early treatments are made up of medications that have a solid safety record over many years. This vital information is useful regardless of vaccination especially for those who are high risk but not vaccinated, or for the growing number of vaccine breakthrough cases. The above information is not medical advice; for medical advice speak with your doctor or contact AFLDS’ telemedicine service.