NPR opens new ‘climate desk’ funded by Zuckerberg, Rockefeller Foundation

Taxpayer-funded NPR this month announced the creation of a new “climate desk” which will be dedicated to climate change doomsaying, funded by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and The Rockefeller Foundation. The Climate Desk will be operational on October 1st

“NPR's climate expansion has also been made possible by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, whose funding is helping NPR to add a new Climate Solutions reporter, as well as The Rockefeller Foundation, whose support will allow for more local and regional reporting on how climate change affects the most vulnerable populations,” the globalist outlet said in a statement

NPR science desk head Andrea Kissack, who will be heading the new climate desk, shared that climate change is a human-interest narrative and insisted that “climate change” is an apocalypse that has caused a “global food crisis,” a “rise in new diseases” and “displacement of millions of people.” 

"No story touches as many people as climate change. Heat waves, mega-droughts and unprecedented floods are all becoming more intense and frequent,” said Kissack. “Climate related weather disasters are upending the way people live from China to California, from Pakistan to Florida.  

“These extreme events have caused a global food crisis, the rise of new diseases and the displacement of millions of people. With the NPR newsroom and Member stations, we'll strive to do stories that shape the national conversation on climate change." 

Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah in July compared climate change to COVID-19, saying it “poses a singular threat to humanity.” 

“Climate change poses a singular threat to humanity, and to The Rockefeller Foundation’s 109-year mission of promoting its well-being throughout the world,” Shah wrote. “To meet our mission today, we must directly confront climate change, even as we redouble efforts in our traditional program areas: health, power, food, and equity.” 

Shah also vowed to invest in social engineering and control how humans live. 

“And we have decided The Rockefeller Foundation will take specific actions to transform how humanity farms and eats, powers its communities and homes, prevents and protects against disease, and lives and works. That is how we will make opportunity universal and sustainable.” 

As America’s Frontline News reported, the Rockefeller Foundation is a globalist organization founded by oil magnate  John D. Rockefeller in 1913. Since then, the foundation has influenced many of the world’s largest and most powerful institutions, including the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health.  

In addition to climate change, the Rockefeller Foundation is investing an initial $7.2 million in behavioral research focused on convincing more people to get the COVID-19 injections, the foundation announced

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative – named partly after Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla Chan – has also invested in many projects, including an initiative to prevent all diseases by 2100. The project is headed by Rockefeller University’s Cornelia Bargmann. 

NPR’s new climate desk is not the first joint venture between The Rockefeller Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. CommuniVax, an organization targeting minority communities in California, Maryland and Alabama for COVID-19 injections, is also funded by the globalist foundations.