‘NOW you tell us?’: Israeli leader rips doctors 'concerned about tyranny’

Israel’s Zehut Yehudit Party leader Moshe Feiglin Tuesday denounced a group of 1,000 doctors protesting what they call “tyrannical” legislation, after they abetted the state’s totalitarian measures during the pandemic.

The legislation, proposed by the Right-leaning Netanyahu administration, seeks to curtail the unchecked power of Israel’s Supreme Court, whose judges have served as an unbridled authority for the Left.

In a public letter last week, 1,000 members of the Israel Medical Association (IMA) told IMA President Prof. Zion Chagai they’re concerned the Israel government is turning into Adolf Hitler’s Reich and are threatening to go on strike.

“We will not become the intellectuals, scientists and educated people of Germany in 1933, we will not work in a country that will be denounced for tyranny, as is indeed happening," they wrote, adding that the legislation will harm the “level of medicine in Israel, harm patients, and undermine the great achievements of Israeli medicine."

The doctors acknowledged that a strike would harm patients, but not as much as if the legislation is passed, which they twice claimed would create a “non-democratic regime”.

“We call for a general strike in the medical system, a few days of suffering are preferable to eras of third world medicine, as seen in non-democratic regimes."

“Temporary discomfort now is better for our patients than a future in which medicine deteriorates as happened in the past in non-democratic regime,” they added.

At a Knesset Health Committee hearing Tuesday, Moshe Feiglin responded strongly to the letter, reminding the physicians how they had supported “coercion instead of informed consent” during the pandemic and “bypassed all known safety protocols”.

Feiglin noted how in the past, even a few deaths recorded in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) were enough to pull a vaccine off the market.

“But even when tens of thousands of deaths [from the COVID-19 vaccine] were reported in [VAERS], many of you continued to encourage and urge the public to inject themselves with this poison,” Feiglin continued. “And the craziest thing is that this is when you grew up enough to take action.”

They were not concerned about “tyranny” when the Health Ministry mandated vaccinations for children, to whom the virus posed no serious danger, Feiglin further noted. 

“The whole country is now covered with defibrillator devices. Heart attacks in young people suddenly became a common phenomenon,” he said.

Indeed, in February 2021 Israel declared the country’s first “National Defibrillator Awareness Day” and began installing defibrillators in schools and public spaces. The measures came amid a sudden 25% increase in cardiac events among men under 40 directly correlated to the vaccine, according to an MIT study.

“So now you, who remained silent or were active in this tyrannical coercion campaign, are now telling us that you will not be like those intellectuals in Germany?” Feiglin asked.

The doctors’ reference to Nazi Germany was absent the outrage that usually accompanies Holocaust comparisons to Israel. Even the nine Knesset members who recently introduced a bill to criminalize such Holocaust references have yet to express their indignation.

Several Holocaust survivors, on the other hand, have warned that the Israel government’s actions during the pandemic — which violated the Nuremberg Code — are harbingers of a dark and familiar path.