No such thing as ‘long COVID’, suggests new study

A new study published in Annals of Internal Medicine has found no evidence that ‘long COVID’ exists. 

“Long COVID” is a term used by the medical establishment and media to refer to ongoing debilitating symptoms after recovering from COVID-19, called “sequelae”. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five people who recover from COVID-19 suffer from “long COVID”. 

According to these medical authorities, the way to prevent long COVID is getting more vaccinations. 

But many have questioned the very existence of long COVID. They point out that medical establishment agencies like the CDC are simply rebranding vaccine-induced injuries as “long COVID”. This would not only allow medical agencies to escape scrutiny after forcing hundreds of millions of people to get the experimental shots, but it would allow them to continue to push vaccinations. 

But after looking for evidence of long COVID, a recent study has returned empty-handed. 

The study enrolled 189 participants who had contracted COVID-19 at least six weeks beforehand and 120 participants who had negative levels of antibodies for the control group. 

Of the COVID group, 55% reported having post-COVID symptoms, as opposed to 12% of the control group. Notably, they were disproportionately among female participants, as well as those who reported suffering from anxiety. 

“Exploratory studies found no evidence of persistent viral infection, autoimmunity, or abnormal immune activation in participants with PASC,” report the study’s authors. “Abnormal findings on physical examination and diagnostic testing were uncommon.” 

But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, long COVID is real and a reason to get boosted. 

“Long COVID can happen no matter what virus variant occurs,” Fauci said. “There's no evidence that there's any difference between delta or beta or now omicron. 

“We should always be aware that when people get symptomatic infection … anywhere from 10 to up to 30 plus percent of people will go on to have persistence of symptoms.” 

“People should put aside this concern...and say ‘If I want to be optimally protected, I should get boosted,’” he added. 

“Their next move will be to rebrand the symptoms of COVID vaccine injury as ‘long COVID’,” Canadian Ontario Party Leader Derek Sloan tweeted before being banned from the platform. “The cure for ‘long COVID’ will be more vaccine boosters, which create more ‘long COVID.’ Public health isn’t on your side.”