No, AOC, Judaism does not sanction abortion

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took a small break last week from lobbing accusations of racism and filled it with a racist diatribe of her own. 

Speaking in a video posted to Instagram Friday, the congresswoman attempted to rewrite the Jewish faith for political gain by insisting that Judaism supports abortion. 

“For people who say, ‘Oh, but you’re, you know, you’re, you’re harming a life,’” Ocasio-Cortez said, mockingly using air quotes. “Well, some religions don’t. So how about that?” 

The "Squad” member, who wept bitterly when the Jewish State of Israel was granted funding for its Iron Dome defense system, now referred to Jewish people as her “brothers and sisters” before making wildly false claims about their religion. 

“Our Jewish brothers and sisters, they are able to have an abortion according to their faith,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “You know, there are so many faiths that do not have the same definition of life as fundamentalist Christians. And so, we, how, what about their rights, what about their right to exercise their faith?” 

“It’s ridiculous, and it is theocratic, it’s authoritarian, it is wrong,” the socialist congresswoman complained. 

But Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, renowned religious leader and lawyer, slammed the misrepresentation of the Torah to push abortion talking points. 

“What they’re now doing is they’re trying to say this is something that’s approved by Judaism and it's just completely, absolutely false and we have to scream out against it because this is not what G-d's intention is,” stated Rabbi Smith. 

“It’s an abomination to Judaism, it’s an abomination to G-d, and it’s an abomination to every human being to lie to them that way,” he added. 

The rabbi explained that not only does Torah not condone abortion, but it charges humanity with the mission of populating the Earth. The Torah twice urges the human race to “be fruitful and multiply” – once as a blessing, and again as a commandment. Anyone who spills the blood of another human, says G-d – using the term “within a human” – has committed a capital crime. 

However, in the rare case where the fetus threatens the mother’s life, Rabbi Smith says that the mother’s life takes precedence and abortion is permitted as an act of self-defense. 

But the rabbi had strong words for the likes of Ocasio-Cortez. 

“What has happened is that these pro-murder activists are trying to distort and take a tiny opening that’s meant to save the mother's life and turn it intentionally and deceptively and pervert it into something that’s now meant to say a mother can abort whenever she wants,” he said. 

“That’s clearly not the situation, not the case. Just like you can’t shoot someone in self-defense just because you’re afraid your life is going to become more difficult if they move into your neighborhood. That’s not self-defense, nor is aborting a baby just because of financial reasons, or convenience reasons or career reasons.” 

Rabbi Smith also referenced Jewish pro-life activist group as a resource for those who want to learn more about the Jewish stance on abortion.