New York rabbinic court prohibits COVID vaccination in children, adolescents, and young adults

After eight hours of testimony from experts around the world, a three-judge panel of rabbis ruled that it is against Jewish law to inject children and most adults with the COVID vaccines. 


The beit din (religious Jewish court) was assembled to investigate the merits of the COVID vaccine and determine if it is permissible to inject it. The rabbinic panel heard testimony from top experts including Dr. Peter McCullough leading cardiologist, author of hundreds of studies, and editor of several medical publications, Dr. Robert Malone one of the inventors of mRNA technology, Dr. Michael Yeadon the former VP of Science for Pfizer, Dr. Jessica Rose a Viral immunologist and several others. 


The ruling explicitly prohibits injecting or even promoting the COVID vaccines in children, teens, or young adults. This dramatic opinion that opposes public health orthodoxy is based on three reasons; the ingredients are “Halachically problematic” meaning they are not acceptable according to Jewish law presumably because aborted human fetuses were used to create the vaccine. Secondly, no one can be held legally liable for resulting injuries, since governments have given the manufacturer and healthcare providers immunity from any damage that may result. According to Jewish law, this is an important safeguard that helps ensure the treatment provider is held responsible, and based on that legal mechanism a patient can better rely on the medical treatment. The third basis is that it helps the governments’ program to inject other children which is prohibited. 


Pregnant women and all adults of child-bearing age are also prohibited from taking the COVID shot according to the ruling. This is based on several concerns: Jewish law commands to be extra cautious with disrupting the reproductive process. Since there have been reports of harm in pregnant women either due to "antibodies that the body develops against the protein called Syncytin‐1, or from the SM102” and because of the micro-clotting issue. In addition, the phenomenon of bleeding between menstrual cycles would prevent a woman from becoming ritually pure in order to conceive a child. The ruling also points out that there are still studies being conducted to investigate the relationship between the vaccine in pregnant women and in male fertility, Pfizer itself has a disclaimer that the vaccine has “not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.” The rabbis agreed that this is insufficient to approve its use in those of child-bearing age.  


As for older adults, the court cautioned again its use but stopped short of an outright prohibition. Among its reasoning, the ruling mentioned conflicting data on the vaccine's effectiveness, numerous reports of severe adverse reactions, and the availability of effective early treatments


The rabbis spent hours listening and questioning experts, researched the relevant issues in Jewish law, and issued a clear ruling warning of the dangers of taking the COVID vaccine. They concluded their ruling with a warning to those who stand by while others are getting injected with this prohibited injection; “do not put a stumbling block in front of the blind” (Leviticus 19:14) meaning one is obligated to warn others of impending danger or loss.    


Full text of the ruling