New concerns about COVID injections: high levels of DNA contamination found

Researchers have found the mRNA incorporated into the nano-lipid particles employed by both Pfizer and Moderna in their COVID shots was not purified beforehand. Instead, that mRNA was contaminated with high levels of potentially dangerous DNA. This DNA contamination may cause serious vaccine injuries like anaphylaxis, severe inflammation, sepsis, hypotension and cardiovascular collapse. The DNA may even enter cells and direct them to produce a dangerous abundance of spike proteins. As well, the contaminating DNA can infect anyone who comes in contact with a vaccinated person and cause those same side effects.

What they found

The scientists, led by Dr. Kevin McKernan and his team at Medicinal Genomics, examined expired vials of Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines. Multiple assays of the vials' contents found DNA in amounts exceeding both the strict FDA maximum of 10ng (nanograms) per dose and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) maximum of 330ng per milligram.

How it happened

The process that led to the contamination was summarized in an issue brief by America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). According to the brief following is the process for creating mRNA:

  1. DNA molecules known as plasmids, which replicate separately and at a distance from the bacteria's own bacterial (chromosomal) DNA, are encoded with the gene for spike proteins.
  2. Bacteria are used to grow large amounts of this encoded plasmid DNA. 
  3. The plasmid DNA is then extracted from the bacteria.
  4. The plasmid DNA is then used to produce mRNA in a cell free environment. 
  5. The plasmid DNA passes the encoding for the production of spike proteins to the mRNA. 
  6. The mRNA are extracted and purified from the plasmid DNA which created them.
  7. The mRNA are then incorporated into nano-lipid particles used in the injections. 

The researchers found that step 6 was not properly executed a large percentage of the time, as noted in the brief. 

The mRNA should be extracted and purified before being incorporated into the nano-lipid particles for the vaccine. Except, clearly, it wasn’t. Dr. McKernan’s work showed that 10-30% of the genetic material in some vials of “vaccine” were contaminating bacterial plasmid DNA.

The plasmid DNA that stays connected to the mRNA is known as contaminating DNA.

Credit: (Unchanged) image created by Spaully under Creative Commons license.

Risk to the vaccinated

The risk to those who took the mRNA jab was summarized in the brief.

[T]he primary concern is that these contaminating DNA plasmids may essentially become infective agents. These agents are able to get inside both bacterial and human cells, where they direct production of the toxic, foreign viral spike protein.

This means that a person's own cells and the bacteria in their stomach can become factories for the production of spike proteins which can then enter the bloodstream and go on to interfere with mitochondrial functioning of cells, to interfere with the ability of cell DNA to self-repair and cause inflammation in the organs in which they accumulate. Amplification of spike protein production can even put some at risk of “turbo cancers”.

The brief also warns that the mRNA injections “are likely contaminated with bacteria endotoxins (toxins found within the bacteria in which the DNA is generated)." These endotoxins can potentially cause the following health problems, all of which have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following mRNA injections:

  1. Anaphylaxis
  2. Severe inflammation 
  3. Sepsis
  4. Endothelial fragility
  5. Bradycardia
  6. Hypotension 
  7. Cardiovascular collapse
  8. Kawasaki’s Disease.‍ 

Additional causes for concern identified in the brief include:

  1. Development of antibiotic resistance strains of bacteria in the microbiome, since the contaminating bacteria contain genes for antibiotic resistance.
  2. Incorporation of contaminating DNA into a person's chromosomal DNA, potentially leading to dysfunction and/or cancer, especially blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma.
  3. Production of spike proteins following ingestion of dairy products since gut bacteria harbor the contaminating DNA and a regulatory region of the DNA that “turns on” production of the spike protein is “activated” by milk products.

Risk to the unvaccinated

The contaminating DNA can spread from one person to another through contact. There is no difference between the person who received the injection and the one who is subsequently infected.

Once this [contaminating DNA] plasmid is present in the bacteria of a person, they will then share their (potentially spike-protein producing) bacteria with everyone they come in contact with and leave some everywhere they visit. Thus, this plasmid DNA has the potential to “infect” both the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

Red Line Crossed

The World Council for Health reported on the new findings in an article entitled, "Red Line Crossed: DNA Contamination of mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Poses Risk to Everyone on the Planet." First noting that metal residues had previously been identified in the jabs, the article focuses on what it considers far more worrisome, the “threat of DNA integration.” 

As we knew from the beginning, Covid-19 (C19) injections have been a gene therapy, and the definition of a vaccine had to be altered to call them a vaccine. While we are still told of the safety and the effectiveness of the injections, Swedish researchers have shown that the mRNA of the Pfizer vaccine was integrated into liver cells . . .

Plasmid Integration into Human Cells

While it was believed that plasmid integration was restricted to bacteria, other researchers observed that integration could occur in the telophase of cell division. Whether this can now occur with the mRNA injections should be a top priority for all regulatory bodies like EMA and FDA to address. Residual injected DNA can result in so-called type I interferon responses and increase the potential for DNA integration. A so-called SV 40 promotor also enables the plasmid integration into human cells. 

The World Council for Health went on to warn that such genomic integration had the potential to cause long-term issues.

The highly concerning consequence of genomic integration into microbiome cells is that this would ensure the ongoing production of mRNA and, thus, the production of pathogenic viral particles, the spike proteins. Typically, mRNA begins to degrade in the body after 10 minutes. Genetic modification, however, has made the C19 ‘vaccines’ mRNA more stable and it has now been observed to last up to 60 days. In autopsies in Germany, it was even found that mRNA was produced in endothelial cells after 12 months. mRNA has also been found in breast milk.

Read America's Frontline Doctors' Issue Brief on DNA contamination:

Contamination Risk to the Unvaccinated