Neurological complications, turbo cancers after COVID shot

Researchers in Italy have found an extraordinarily high rate of “neurological complications” following mRNA COVID injections. At the same time, a senior oncologist is reporting highly unusual and aggressive cancers quickly reaching end stage disease even in young people.

You'll have a one-in-three chance of neurological damage

A large population-based study found that 5,962 of 19,108 vaccinated people in Italy suffered neurological complications after COVID mRNA injections. That's more than 31% of the subjects.

In reaction to the findings blogger Steve Kirsch asked whether the 31% rate of neurological complications sounds “safe” or “rare”:

But don't worry

The paper's authors cautioned against fearing the mRNA injections, though. They concluded their paper not with the increased risks associated with the injections but with a warning not to be overly concerned with the drugs' "benign" side effects:

Clinicians should be aware that several neurological complications may commonly occur after COVID-19 vaccines, but in most cases, these have a benign nature. On the other hand, caution should be used when administering COVID-19 vaccines to vulnerable people, such as to those who suffer from allergies. [Emphases added].

These complications did in fact include high rates of less serious reactions, like headaches, sleepiness and insomnia, as displayed in the below chart showing the Pfizer shot in green, Moderna in blue and AstraZeneca in yellow. The higher number of side effects in the Pfizer group is due mainly to the fact that most subjects received the Pfizer injections and the chart shows raw numbers of side effect reports, not percentages.

More severe side effects were reported as well, however, including vertigo in more than 13% of symptomatic subjects. Other reported neurological reactions included:

  • cognitive fog 
  • paresthesia (abnormal sensation of the skin with no apparent physical cause)
  • diplopia (simultaneous perception of two images of a single object)
  • tinnitus (ringing of the ears when no external sound is present)
  • dysphonia (sudden, involuntary movement of voice muscles)

Muscle spasms and tremors were also noted and were more likely in those who received the AstraZeneca shots (ChAdOx1nCov-19), as seen in the below table:

The more than one thousand subjects who suffered these side effects might take issue with the description of their complications as “benign.”

“I've never seen cancers behave like this before”

Unusual cancers are also a concern for those who took the mRNA shots. Dr. William Makis, a Canadian oncologist who has diagnosed some 20,000 cancer cases, appeared on Del Bigtree's The Highwire to discuss the shockingly aggressive cancers he began seeing after the vaccine rollouts.

Bigtree began the interview by noting that he has had leading doctors in cardiology, intensive care and vaccine development on his show to explain the dangers of the mRNA injections, but that Dr. Makis is the first cancer doctor to appear. The oncologist then explained what's different about the cancers he is now seeing: they're more aggressive, they're striking younger people and they're rapidly moving toward a late stage — where they've already spread throughout the body — by the time they are diagnosed"

Turbo cancer,” it's a recent term. It rose in the public domain and it really describes aggressive cancers that are arising in COVID vaccinated individuals.

It's showing up in young people, people. People in their 20s, 30s, 40s. The youngest case that I've reported was a 12-year-old boy who had one Moderna vaccine. Four months later develops stage 4 brain cancer. And then six months later he died. 

And so this is something I've never seen before in my career. I've diagnosed probably 20,000 cancer patients in my career. I've never seen cancers behaving like this. And they grow very, very rapidly. And they present at a late stage. [Emphases added].

Dr. Makis explained that the failure to diagnose the cancers at earlier stages, when they are localized, may be related to how rapidly the tumors are growing and to a lack of symptoms during that quick growth period:

I think it's the rapid growth of the tumors. And they don't seem to be causing symptoms. And so they only present when the tumors are quite large already . . . even 15 cm . . . and oncologists are just shocked. They don't know what to do. . . . They'll do surgery and then after the surgery they'll find out that out the tumor has actually spread already - it grows that quickly.

Makis also considered the possibility that because the cancer victims are younger than usual, they are more likely to ignore symptoms:

It's showing up in very young individuals. And so you have cancer showing up that you don't expect in young people. Young people probably are not gonna feel symptoms or they might blow these symptoms off, you know some minor aches and pains. And we're just not used to seeing these cancers. . . Stage 4 breast cancers in women in their 20s and 30s or colon cancers in men, women in their 20s and 30s. [Emphases added].

Makis also presented a long list of GoFundMe pages for young victims of late stage cancer, though the evidence was again anecdotal.

Not just anecdotes

Edward Dowd, author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 & 2022, reports that cancer statistics from the UK appear to support the turbo cancer claims in young people. He notes a sharp uptick in cases of cancers in the under 45 age group that have already metastasized by the time they are diagnosed. Such cancers are known as “malignant neoplasms without specification of (the original) site (of excessive growth).”

See our previous coverage of the mRNA injections:

Inventing the AIDS and COVID viruses?

Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest

Despite government claims, myocarditis found not temporary after COVID mRNA injection

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