Netanyahu admits: 'You'll need 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th vaccine . . . until they invent one that lasts for years'

Israeli Knesset opposition leader former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last week admitted that repeated COVID-19 booster shots will be necessary "until they invent a vaccine that will last for many years.""What does the vaccine do?" asked Netanyahu. "The vaccine creates antibodies in the blood, and after some time, the antibodies wear off. And then you're exposed once again to the virus!"He continued: "It was clear that we would need the third jab."By the way, we'll also need fourth, fifth, sixth . . . Until they invent a vaccine that will last for many years."And that's why I ordered in advance from the Pfizer company millions of vaccines. They've been paid for, ordered, and they're waiting in containers over in Europe."The remarks came as Netanyahu has been trying to convince reluctant Israelis to submit to the third dose, possibly so that Israel can fulfil its contractual obligations to the Pfizer Corporation.Clalit Health Fund vaccination campaign director Ruthi Baruch today told Galei Tzahal radio of a decrease in the number of people coming to get vaccinated."From the end of September to the beginning of October, towards the issuance of the Green Pass, we were optimistic because a lot of people came. But it was only for a day or two - now you see a decline, fewer and fewer people come to get vaccinated," she said.