Nearly 40% of German military struck with COVID during pandemic, say officials

More than 100,000 German soldiers tested positive throughout the pandemic despite a coercive vaccination campaign, the government has reluctantly admitted. 

This means that in a military consisting of 260,000 personnel, approximately 38% were at one point or another isolated and removed from duty.

Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Thomas Dietz was at first rebuffed by government officials when he requested data on the number of soldiers who tested positive for COVID-19 up to September 30, 2023. Germany’s Defense Ministry refused to provide the information on the grounds that it was “classified” ostensibly because it would reveal that the German military was hobbled during the pandemic.

But MP Dietz filed a legal complaint and received the answer.

In 2020, 3,058 soldiers tested positive for COVID-19. In 2021, that number became 10,089. In 2022, the number of cases jumped to 92,904 and went back down to 10,726 this year.

“Another explosive proof of the ineffectiveness of the much-praised vaccine—so explosive that the answer to my question was initially kept secret!” said Dietz in a statement. “The reason: An answer from the federal government to this question intended for publication would allow conclusions to be drawn about health data and thus the Bundeswehr's [the German military’s] operational readiness. The only conclusions that I can draw at this point are the major failures of the federal government, particularly the Ministry of Health, in recent years. The harm caused to people under coercion is unforgivable.” reports that German military personnel remain under a vaccine mandate.

While Germany only approved an official vaccine mandate in mid-2022, in 2021 the government had already been subjecting the unvaccinated to lockdowns.

Germany has shown little tolerance for the unvaccinated. In December, a Stuttgart court ordered 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Inna Zhvanetskaya to be forcibly injected with the COVID-19 shots and committed to a mental health facility. 

Though Germany’s vaccine mandate had been rescinded, the court order directed German authorities to enter Zhvanetskaya’s apartment and commit her to a psychiatric ward on January 11, 2023, where she was to be injected twice with the COVID-19 vaccine “for her own good” and held until December 2024 at the latest. According to a translation of court documents by France’s News 24, the court has justified its decision by diagnosing Zhvanetskaya with narcissism, egomania, logorrhea, dementia, obesity, heart disease, and an obsession with music. 

Dietz’s party Alternative for Germany (AfD), a rising Right-leaning faction in Germany facing government persecution, initiated legal proceedings in defense of Zhvanetskaya.