MSNBC reporter gets heckled, drowned out by freedom protesters

Despite pearl-clutching media reports of “hate and violence”, freedom protesters around the world have remained peaceful, many of them even being affectionate to the forces sent to remove them.  

But members of the mainstream media are persona non grata in the rebel camp. 

Freedom protesters in Ottawa heckled an MSNBC reporter during a live report on Saturday, drowning him out. 

A recording of the live video shows MSNBC reporter Glen McGregor about to begin his report as a protester stands directly behind him, grinning and giving the thumbs-up. 

But McGregor appears flustered, unable to begin, as a woman can be heard shouting at him. 

“You say everyone here is violent. No, it’s the cops,” she says. “Tell the truth about Justin Trudeau, who’s his daddy, huh?” 

As soon as McGregor begins speaking, he is drowned out by people screaming “Freedom! Freeeeedom!” 

“F*cking liars!” another shouted as they gathered to crowd behind McGregor in the shot. 

The mainstream media have waged a relentless campaign against the freedom protesters, smearing them as violent and hateful. MSNBC in particular trashed the Freedom Convoy truckers and protesters as a “cult” and described their protests as a “temper tantrum”. 

With effort, it is possible to still hear McGregor paint himself as the victim and, inexplicably, blame Trump supporters. 

“This is the feature of these demonstrations, Yasmin, that we haven’t seen in Canada a whole lot,” McGregor said. “I know the MAGA movement in the United States we’ve seen a lot of this kind of thing. But protesters, now they see their occupation of the city coming to an end after three weeks, increasingly turning their anger against journalists. Seeing a lot of colleagues up here covering these protests being harassed, screamed at, as you can see here.” 

This is only the latest instance of animus towards the mainstream media by freedom activists. 

Last week, a video showed protesters chasing away another mainstream media journalist. The protesters shout “fake news!” and “get out of here!” as the journalist scurries away with his camera. 

Last month, renowned physician Dr. Ryan Cole, who is also a physician volunteer with America’s Frontline Doctors, heckled the media at the Defeat the Mandates rally. 

“There are people with cameras on this stand that went to journalism school and now they are shilling for Big Pharma,” Cole said as the crowd booed. “...when you woke up in the morning, CNN, did you say, ‘I’m going to cancel and censor doctors today so people can die?’ We hold you responsible too.”