Mr Biden - Where is Dr Gold's pardon for peaceful medical speech at Capitol?


  • Biden didn't object to clemency, even as VP, for Leftists who 
    • bombed Capitol
    • shot 5 Congressmen
    • attempted to assassinate President Truman
    • led insurrection
    • refused to renounce terror 
  • Misdemeanor trespass does not normally mean jail time
  • Even violent rioters attacking officers while trespassing on federal property had charges dismissed


  • Dr. Gold 
    • had a permit to deliver a medical speech at the Capitol
    • stayed within velvet ropes during Capitol speech
    • never knew area was closed to public
    • has a perfectly clean record
    • was persecuted by politicized judge
    • was sentenced to jail for peaceful trespass with no sign warning, “no entry”
  • Biden promised to repair and heal nation after Jan 6
  • Pardoning Dr. Gold would help repair and unify nation

Dear Mr. President,

You promised, at your inauguration, to unite the nation as a "president for all Americans" because there's "much to repair, much to restore, much to heal" after some January 6th protesters turned violent.

An extraordinary opportunity exists to provide just such unity. 

Not a rioter

Dr. Simone Gold received a permit from the local Washington D.C. police to give a speech on medical freedom in the capital on January 6, 2021. When the crowd gathered in the capital that day moved toward the Capitol building, Dr. Gold was informed that her address would be moved to coincide with the moving crowd. 

With the large crowd pushing behind her, and with policemen standing by, Dr. Gold entered the Capitol building through open doors, with no signage that said “NO ENTRY,” “NO TRESPASSING” or “TOURS CANCELED TODAY DUE TO SPECIAL SESSION,” gave her planned speech and left the building as soon as a policeman asked her to do so, all the while never knowing the area was restricted.

Disproportionate sentence

Dr. Gold was sentenced to 60 days in jail for the misdemeanor of peacefully being in a restricted space, despite a complete absence of any criminal conduct throughout her life. 

Mr. President, do you know anyone sent to jail for peaceful trespass, even where, unlike Dr. Gold's case, “No Trespassing” signs are visible? We ask this as former President Bill Clinton specifically listed “disproportionate sentence” as his reason to grant freedom to actual Capitol bombers from jail.  

Political prosecution prevents unity

Mr. President, are you aware that zero prison time was given to 209 of the 210 people charged with felony rioting for violence at the 2017 inauguration that injured six police officers and caused more than $100,000 in damage, with charges dropped altogether against 189 rioters, or that such light punishments for protestors aligned with your political party continue to be the norm?

96 Portland rioters hit with federal charges relating to attacks on federal buildings have had their charges dropped, including charges of assaulting an officer. Ten people have taken plea deals and they have mostly been sentenced to community service. [Emphases added].

It goes without saying that selectively prosecuting those who share different political beliefs is the very antithesis of the unity you described as your priority in office. Correcting the injustice served to Dr. Gold would be a good start to calming widespread concern that the federal government is, in fact

arresting conservatives — and by that, I don't mean the way the FBI has hunted down every granny and veteran who, made ignorant by the systematic removal [or absence] of "no trespassing" signs and fencing, and the Capitol Police holding open doors, entered the Capitol and wandered around reverently.  That's bad enough.  But the FBI is also going after high-level, high-profile political operatives (advisers, politicians, journalists) who have dared challenge Biden's rise to the White House…

Tucker Carlson finally put together a list of the brutal, humiliating, seemingly lawless arrests, and it's really shocking. What you see in Tucker's opening monologue is something I don't believe we've ever seen before in America: a presidential administration is systematically using its police power to intimidate the political opposition at the highest levels.

Feds suspected of a set up

In fact, many Americans are claiming that this is not just a case of over-prosecution but of an outright setup, with a report entitled, “January 6 Melee: Insurrection or Fedsurrection?” asking,

Was the January 6, 2021 “invasion” of the U.S. Capitol a “coup attempt” by President Trump and his supporters? Or was it a choreographed setup by federal officials and their MAGA-hat-wearing agents provocateurs?

The need to address such charges with pardons and any other tools available to the administration, cannot be overstated.

Not just Left and Right

Dr. Gold was not at the Capitol to protest the election results. Unique among protestors that day, the doctor was there to speak about an issue dividing Americans along different lines - medical freedom, with citizens having differing opinions on vaccine and mask mandates as well as lockdowns. The handing of a disproportionate sentence to Dr. Gold leaves about half the nation feeling that they cannot freely criticize government health measures.

No appeal possible

We turn to you, Mr. President, because Dr. Gold cannot appeal her prison sentence. The doctor, like many others, was coerced by politicized prosecutors, making use of the banned practice of “overcharging,” to plead guilty to something she did not do (enter the Capitol knowing it was closed to the public) in order to avoid any chance of conviction on a 20-year felony charge (obstruction), despite the complete lack of evidence for any of the charges. 

Immune judge

Not only is Dr. Gold unable to appeal her disproportionate sentence, but she cannot appeal the sentencing judge’s reliance on false facts, including his statement at Dr. Gold’s sentencing that she saw a police officer knocked to the ground and was thus aware of protester violence, and his statement that she was connected to violence that led to “five people who died that day.” 

The judge said this despite being shown classified video footage, from the room Dr. Gold entered, showing the officer appear to slip and immediately being helped by protestors who screamed to those closer to the officer to help the officer get up, which they did - no protestor did anything but assist that officer. Likewise, the judge’s statement about the deaths of five police officers has long been proven inaccurate as no officer died that day and none died from any injuries suffered that day.

Mr. President, your security clearance allows you to see that classified video, allowing you to see first hand that Dr. Gold was truthful in explaining that throughout her time in the Capitol she did not see any kind of violence and was shocked to later find out that some protesters were violent. We ask you to view that video as you review Dr. Gold’s case for a pardon.

Real insurrection

Turning to the use of the presidential pardon authority, we note an actual and serious act of sedition. In 1983, Susan Rosenberg, a terrorist from the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO), detonated a bomb in the U.S. Capitol Building

blasting a 15-foot gash in a wall and causing $1 million in damage [in 1983 dollars]. Over the course of a 20-month span in 1983 and 1984, M19 also bombed an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, and the South African consulate in New York, D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard (which they hit twice.) 

Capitol bomber freed by president

Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison but was released after just 16 years when her sentence was commuted by then President Bill Clinton. 

Capitol bomber’s new career, with BLM

Today, Susan Rosenberg enjoys a coveted position as a

Top BLM Associate … as the vice-chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents. According to Thousand Currents’ website, the group “provides the legal and administrative framework to enable BLM to fulfill its mission.”

Capitol bombing and killing police also warrants clemency

Rosenberg’s accomplice in terrorism, Linda Evans, was sentenced to 45 years in prison for her involvement in eight bombings, including that Capitol bombing, as well as the 1981 Brinks armored truck robbery, in which Black Liberation Army terrorists killed two police officers and a guard. Clinton also commuted her sentence after just 16 years.

Seditious terrorists freed

The commutations did not end with anti-American Capitol building bombers. Terrorists from the Marxist–Leninist Armed Forces of National Liberation, FALN militant group were also found worthy of commutation.

Clinton in 1999 outraged members of both parties when he offered prison commutations to 16 members of the Puerto Rican terrorist organization FALN, which set off more than 100 bombs in the 1970s and ’80s, killing six.

Clinton said the FALN members were serving disproportionately tough sentences 

The Senate voted 95-2 to oppose the clemency and the House voted 311-41. But because the presidential pardon power is absolute, the votes could not reverse the action. [Emphasis added].

The Washington Post reported that the majority of the terrorists were also guilty of planning an insurrection:

Nine of the 16 FALN members were convicted of seditious conspiracy, armed robbery and various firearms offenses. [Emphasis added].

In fact, the very mission of their terrorist organization was to create an ally for Communist Cuba in a US territory.

What was the FALN’s reason for creating all that suffering? It wanted to establish in Puerto Rico a Marxist republic, against, as we have seen through the referendums, the stated desire of the overwhelming majority of Puerto Ricans. 

Unrepentant terrorists freed when you, Mr. Biden, served as VP

Not every terrorist offered clemency by Clinton accepted it.

Years later, President Barack Obama released another FALN member, Oscar Lopez Rivera, who had refused to accept Clinton’s clemency offer.

Who would refuse clemency from a prison sentence?

Lopez was actually offered a pardon, too, but he refused it after President Clinton “demanded as one of the conditions of their release that the jailed Puerto Ricans renounce the use of terrorism …”

Who was this unrepentant terrorist leader freed by Obama without being required to renounce the use of terrorism and without any word of criticism from you as then Vice-president Biden?

The editor of The Federalist, Ben Domenech, himself of Puerto Rican roots, described how Lopez, a leader of FALN

recruited and trained a small army of terrorists to murder his fellow Americans. He built bomb factories. He taught the young and impressionable how to make devices that would kill and maim … When he was put on trial, he admitted to doing all he had been accused of – he showed no remorse.

After a fellow FALN terrorist testified that Lopez Rivera

taught him how to make bomb detonation devices and gun silencers [for a] bombing [that was] planned to target the hotel that housed the offices for the Democratic Party, Lopez Rivera was convicted of "seditious conspiracy, use of force to commit robbery, interstate transportation of firearms and ammunition to aid in the commission of a felony, and interstate transportation of stolen vehicles [and was] sentenced … to 55 years in prison [with the judge] calling him an "incorrigible law violator" [and an additional 15 years] for plans to use hand grenades, plastic explosives, blasting caps, and a helicopter [to escape prison].

Terrorists pardoned even after shooting 5 congressmen and attempting to assassinate a sitting US president

President Carter pardoned four terrorists from the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party who were convicted in a 1954 shooting attack on the U.S. House of Representatives. Shooting 30 rounds at lawmakers from automatic weapons, they seriously wounded Michigan Representative Alvin Bentley, who was not expected to survive the bullet that entered his chest, and hit four other congressional representatives, including one in the back

Carter even pardoned a fifth terrorist from the group who was convicted of plotting to kill President Truman after shooting a policeman on his way to the room in which Truman was staying across from the White House. Had he waited a few minutes before the attack, Truman, who was scheduled to leave the building shortly after the attack, believes the attack may have been successful.

Thank you, Mr. President, for your time as you consider a pardon of Dr. Gold from a jail sentence for her peaceful delivery of a medical freedom speech in the Capitol.


Weaponized Prosecution

Please see other articles in our series on the politicization of prosecution: 

FBI - No time to interview rape victims; plenty for Jan 6 trespass

Police chiefs discourage violent crime complaints to give appearance of reduced crime

Police plant drugs on minorities to meet arrest quotas

FBI fails to act on evidence of planned shootings

FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass, politicizing medicine

Meet the judge sentencing January 6th attendees to prison

Will ‘Colbert 7’ get January 6 treatment?

Judge in Dr Gold case applauded anti-free speech socialists disrupting SCOTUS

Stephen Colbert explains why his staffers are not insurrectionists

Feds pressure Jan 6 defendants to falsely confess to ‘knowingly’ trespassing

Few arrests as preferred protesters get away with insurrection

BLM pushes gun laws that may have led to deadly police shooting of black man

Official AFLDS press release on founder Dr. Simone Gold’s Jan 6 sentencing

Feds coerce Jan 6 defendants into waiving right to appeal jail time