Most CNN, MSNBC viewers racist against Hispanics, survey finds

A poll conducted by WPA Intelligence last month found that most people who watch MSNBC and CNN believe that Hispanics who vote Republican have been duped by “disinformation”. 

Hispanic voters, long considered Democrat loyalists, began turning red after President Trump assumed office and began fleeing the Democrat Party in droves since Joe Biden occupied the White House. Recent polls show that Hispanics are almost evenly split between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party, a seismic shift in American politics the Democrats seem averse to acknowledge. 

As reported by the Daily Wire Thursday, 57% of MSNBC viewers and 54% of CNN viewers believe it is the spread of “disinformation” that is causing Hispanics to vote red at the ballot box, not their own culture and values. 

Another 20% of CNN viewers and 16% of MSNBC viewers said that “internalized racism” and a “desire to fit into white society" explained the political shift among Hispanics.

The survey also shows that these very mainstream media viewers are avid consumers of disinformation themselves. 

Thirty-eight percent of CNN viewers still believe it is “somewhat or mostly true” that President Trump stole the 2016 election with the help of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and 45% of MSNBC viewers think Trump “benefited” from a stolen election in 2016. 

Furthermore, 63% of MSNBC viewers, 64% of CNN viewers and two-thirds of Democrat voters believe it is “somewhat or mostly true” that Florida banned the word “gay” in schools. In reality, the Florida bill, which forbids K-3 teachers from discussing sexual orientation in the classroom, does not contain the word “gay”. 

Another 38% of CNN viewers and 30% of MSNBC viewers believe university professors in Florida are required by the government to register their party affiliation. The belief is based on a false claim by Salon and propagated by horror novelist Stephen King. 

A separate survey shows that only 2% of Hispanics use the term “Latinx”, 40% find the term offensive, 30% say they would not vote for a party or candidate who used the term, and 89% prefer not to be called “Latinx”. Nevertheless, Democrats like Jill Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) continue to use the term, which may be representative of the disdain the party holds for the Hispanic community. 

“Our poll found that significant shares of Democrats, self-described liberals and CNN and MSNBC viewers believe things that are objectively untrue — from thinking the 2016 election was stolen by Russia to the baseless belief that Florida requires university professors and students to register their political views with the state,” WPA Principal and Managing Director Conor Maguire told The Daily Wire. “The corporate media’s partisan and narrow focus on myths on the Right has clearly given Democrats and [their] allies a pass on their own falsehoods.”