More trans terror: Man dressed as woman stabs homeless shelter employee with sword

A man pretending to be a woman has stabbed a woman with a sword at a homeless shelter in North Carolina 

According to the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office, 34-year-old Michelle Silva Perez became enraged last Thursday after being evicted from the Shepherd's Gate Miracle Hill women’s emergency shelter, one of four homeless shelters run by the Christian organization Miracle Hill Ministries. Perez was barred from the facility “for not following the guidelines,” Miracle Hill Ministries said in a statement.

After his eviction, Perez reportedly “caused a disturbance” and attacked a female employee identified as “Kirby,” in the facility’s parking lot. He pushed her to the ground and stabbed her in the stomach with a sword until her “internal organs were exposed,” according to The Post and Courier. Kirby was rushed to the hospital with severe injuries and is reportedly in stable condition.

Perez, who is in police custody at Greenville County Detention Center, is being housed separately because he is still “transitioning.”

Miracle Hill Ministries CEO Ryan Duerk said that had the ministry known Perez was in fact male, he would have been “accommodated differently.”

“We found out last night that this attacker, who had been a resident at Shepherd’s Gate for a few weeks, was in fact a male,” Duerk said in a statement. “Let me assure you that we did not know this or suspect it, and Shepherd’s Gate followed all their procedures for intake appropriately. All documentation was provided to ensure this individual was a viable candidate to stay in our women’s facility. Had we known, we would have worked to accommodate this individual differently. This is a terribly unfortunate series of events that we will learn and adapt from.”

A rising trend of trans violence whitewashed by media

The attack has not been reported by mainstream media, which have been attempting to whitewash a rising trend in transgender violence.

In May, for example, a Massachusetts man named Jared Ravizza, who claimed to be a woman, was arrested after going on a stabbing spree in which he reportedly knifed six people, including four young girls aged between 9 and 17. Media reports left out the fact that Ravizza wore a wig and referred to himself as “she.” 

In March last year, a gender-obsessed woman named Audrey Hale murdered three adults and three children in a shooting spree at a Nashville school. Hale had claimed to be a man and went by the name Aiden. Hale’s manifesto, which shows she was driven by anti-White hatred, was suppressed by social media platforms. Mainstream media never reported on the manifesto, and many outlets completely omitted Hale’s gender dysphoria. 

The shooting raised alarm among many political commentators and social media users that a trend of transgender terrorism or violence was forming. 

Fact-checkers: ‘No evidence of growing trend’

Media fact-checkers scrambled to deny the existence of transgender terrorism or radicalization.

“No evidence of growing trend of trans radicalization or terrorism, experts say,” read an article by PolitFact published four days after the Nashville shooting. 

“After consulting the data and experts who study extremism and terrorism, we found no credible evidence of any widespread trend of transgender extremist radicalization,” the fact-checkers wrote.

Studies show evidence of trend in transgender violence

But deeper into the article, the authors acknowledged a 2022 study of 3,000 students in Canada which showed that transgender and “gender-diverse” students are indeed more prone to violent radicalization. 

Although PolitiFact found a professor who dismissed the study because of its small sample size, a similar study was published the month of the shooting with double the sample size. 

“Individuals who self-identified as trans and gender diverse had greater sympathy for VR [violent radicalization] than females did, experienced online victimization more frequently, and reported higher levels of psychological distress than both male and female participants,” concluded the researchers.

PolitiFact’s ‘evidence’: College professors

Nevertheless, the fact-checkers denied any radicalization of gender-obsessed individuals. As evidence for their claim, they quoted three university faculty members and a book author who denied any existence of a trend in trans terrorism. One of the academics is also a member of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a far-Left organization which labels “do your own research” an “extremist” term.

Attacks by transgender individuals, however, have in fact been growing. Here are some examples:

Genesse Moreno

In February, Genesse Moreno entered Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston carrying an AR-15 on which was written “Free Palestine.” She was accompanied by her seven-year-old son. She opened fire and injured a man before police returned fire and killed her. Her son received a bullet to the head and reportedly lost part of his frontal lobe, which caused him to suffer cardiac arrest. 

The 36-year-old woman had previously claimed to be male. Houston police conducted a thorough investigation to determine which pronouns should be used for the deceased woman. Nonetheless, mainstream media activists quickly denied that Moreno had been transgender.

Dylan Butler

In January, 17-year-old Dylan Butler opened fire on his classmates at Perry High School in Des Moines. Before taking his own life, he injured five other kids and killed a sixth-grader. Butler was a fervent advocate of gender ideology, according to his social media profiles. He published one post that said, "Love your trans kids," and included rainbow emojis in his posts. Under the alias "Dylanpickle1996," he was also said to have often posted on Reddit forums in support of transgenderism.

William Whitworth

Last year, Denver police arrested William Whitworth, 19, after he plotted to carry out deadly rampages at multiple churches and schools. Whitworth claimed to be a woman and went by "Lilly."

Kimbrady Carriker

In July last year, Philadelphia police arrested Kimbrady Carriker, 40, for a mass shooting that left four adults and a teenager dead. A two-year-old was one of two toddlers who sustained bullet wounds. The mainstream media labeled Carriker, a cross-dresser who supported the Black Lives Matter movement and used the pronouns "they/them," as a Trump supporter.

Andersen Lee Aldrich

In November 2022, a man named Andersen Lee Aldrich shot and killed five people at a Colorado Springs nightclub. Aldrich had insisted on being called "Mx. Aldrich" and used the pronouns “they/them.”