Vaccine-induced polio: More from vaccines than from nature

11 polio facts you must know

  1. More polio from vaccines than from nature
  2. Oral vaccine is the one causing paralysis in children
  3. Parents not told the real reason their child is given the dangerous oral vaccine
  4. Vaccine-induced polio no less severe than natural (wild) polio
  5. Wild polio normally harmless
  6. Infectious diseases mostly disappeared before vaccines
  7. Nutrition and modern sewage system more important than vaccines
  8. Polio correlates with DDT 
  9. Public health officials claim polio outbreaks based only on sewage water
  10. Polio cases may  never have been eradicated but rather “relabeled” as a different disease 
  11. UN and US coerce other countries to aggressively vaccinate children

1. More polio from vaccines than from nature

Yes, polio vaccines can cause polio, just as chemotherapy can cause canceranti-inflammatories can cause inflammationanti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughtsantipsychotic drugs can cause psychotic symptoms, etc.

In fact, polio vaccination causes more infections than wild virus. In November 2019, the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) reported

more children are paralyzed as a result of vaccine-derived infections than illnesses caused by the wildtype virus. 

“It’s actually crazy because we’re vaccinating now against the vaccine in most parts of the world,” Vincent Racaniello, a virologist at Columbia University, tells NPR, “not against wild polio, which is confined to Pakistan and Afghanistan.” 

In fact, Nature reported that the entire continent of Africa has seen hundreds of annual cases of vaccine-induced polio, but zero cases of wild type polio:

2. Oral vaccine is the one causing paralysis in children

It is specifically oral polio vaccine (OPV) that carries the risk of,

paralysis  both from vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis [VAPP] and cVDPV, in which mutated versions of OPV can cause paralysis and spread from person to person” 

For this reason, 

[m]ost countries have switched the schedule of vaccination by using IPV [inactivated polio vaccine] instead of OPV because it poses no risk of vaccine-related disease.” 

Nonetheless, several nations follow WHO guidelines and continue putting children at risk of being “unnecessarily paralyzed” by continuing to use OPV. Those nations sometimes justify the policy by pointing out that they provide IPV before OPV even though prior injections with IPV do not protect against paralysis from subsequently administered OPV

3. Parents not told the real reason their child is given the dangerous oral vaccine

It turns out that the reason the WHO is pushing for the continued use of OPV, despite thousands of paralyzed children, is not to protect the child being vaccinated, but to use the child to protect society.

The rationale is that while IPV protects a child from polio without the risk of vaccine induced paralysis or death, it still leaves wild polio virus circulating in society through asymptomatic carriers. 

Pradeep Haldar, Deputy Commissioner of India’s Immunisation Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, defends the WHO decision claiming, 

The IPV produces humoral immunity (involving antibodies in body fluids) so the immunised child does not get paralysis, but it can’t stop the circulation of wild polio viruses. For instance, no polio cases were seen in Israel but wild polio viruses were detected in the environment. The viruses will continue to circulate in the community.”

Jacob John, a virologist with expertise in polio, considers India's policy unethical: 

The primary objective of polio vaccination is to prevent the disease, which the OPV failed to fully achieve. The OPV was used for eradicating purposes but without fully protecting the children. When you give a vaccine, you must ensure that the child doesn’t get polio. Only the IPV can do that.

4. Vaccine-induced polio no less severe than natural (wild) polio

The CDC reports that, there is no clinical difference between the paralysis caused by wild poliovirus, OPV or VDPV [vaccine-derived poliovirus].

In fact, in “one of the worst biological disasters in American history: a man-made polio epidemic,” a vaccination program in the US paralyzed 51 children and killed 5 in 1955 when the head of the NIH Laboratory of Biologics Control received a warning about the vaccination batch paralyzed test monkeys but failed to inform the licensing committee.

More recently, a 2019 report claimed that at least 400 children in India developed polio after receiving the oral polio vaccine (OPV) in 2019.  

5. Wild polio normally harmless

While the dangers of the oral polio vaccine are understated, the danger of the wildtype virus is, quite to the contrary, overstated. Though not widely known, the CDC concedes that,

Most people infected with natural (wild type) poliovirus have no symptoms, and many recover without complications. Some people will experience sore throat, fever, tiredness, nausea, headache, or stomach pain. 

In fact, less than 1% of all polio infections in children result in paralysis. Even before the introduction of the polio vaccine, Americans had a 99.999 chance of never being harmed by polio.

6. Infectious diseases mostly disappeared before vaccines

Contrary to common perception, most infectious diseases were well on their way to eradication before the introduction to vaccines, as seen in this chart of the death rate from measles produced by Harvard Medical School professor Edward H. Kass, M.D. Ph.D, in which the death rate drops almost 100% a decade before the 1963 introduction of a vaccine.

His charts likewise demonstrate that pertussis (whooping cough) was well on its way to eradication before a vaccine while scarlet fever’s death rate bottomed out despite the fact that, to this day, there is no vaccine at all for the disease.

Boston University epidemiologists John and Sonja McKinlay backed up Kass’ claims with a paper entitled, “The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century,” in which they conclude:

medical measures (both chemotherapeutic and prophylactic [vaccines, antibiotics, surgery]) appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900 – having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances …

3.5 percent probably represents a reasonable upper-limit estimate of the total contribution of medical measures to the decline in mortality in the United States since 1900 …

7. Nutrition and modern sewage system more important than vaccines

Epidemiologists from Johns Hopkins University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided the real cause for most of the decline in infectious disease deaths during the 20th century in a 2000 paper in the journal Pediatrics titled, “Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: Trends in the Health of Americans During the 20th Century:” 

. . . nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccine were available… 

[Factors reducing mortality included] water treatment, food safety, organized solid waste disposal, and public education about hygienic practices … improvements in crowding in US cities …

8. Polio correlates with DDT 

The below graph paints a different picture for polio, which did not enjoy the same sharp decline in its death rate in the early part of the 20th century that was seen with other diseases. Was some factor other than hygiene and nutrition at play? 

Some argue that paralysis could not be eradicated as long as there was an environmental cause. One such environmental factor is the use of DDT on crops and even on children who were routinely sprayed at public places like municipal swimming pools.

One researcher plotted out the incidence of polio together with the production levels of DDT and other pesticides, resulting in a graph showing a remarkably strong correlation, with a short lag time, between pesticide use and subsequent polio cases.

Dr. Morton S. Biskind, writing in 1953, noted that,

In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT (chlorophenoethane, dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) was released in the United States and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide. . . .

Since the last war there have been a number of curious changes in the incidence of certain ailments and the development of new syndromes never before observed. A most significant feature of this situation is that both man and all his domestic animals have simultaneously been affected. In man, the incidence of poliomyelitis has risen sharply. . . .

It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts.

Children’s Health Defense lets us know that the irony of the public health system causing the very disease it claimed to fight was not lost on Dr. Ralph R. Scobey, who authored, “Is the public health law responsible for the poliomyelitis mystery?” 

Scobey added that the problems didn’t end with the ban on DDT, as the same officials who led the DDT spraying campaign then went on to block research into the role that DDT played in causing paralysis:

Unlimited poliomyelitis research ceased abruptly when this disease was legally made a communicable disease.

9. Public health officials claim polio outbreaks based only on sewage water

Euphemistically referred to as polio in the “environment,” health ministries have taken to sounding the alarm, and frightening the population, when merely finding vaccine induced polio strains in public sewage systems. The population would probably be a lot calmer if it was made clear that environmental surveillance refers to the monitoring of sewage water, not sick children

10. Polio cases may  never have been eradicated but rather “relabeled” as a different disease 

Public health officials often boast of having “eradicated” polio in many parts of the world, thereby justifying mass vaccination campaigns, despite repeatedly finding it in areas where it was claimed to have been eradicated. But was it ever actually eradicated anywhere, even temporarily?

Frontline News previously reported that 

acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a virus indistinguishable from polio, including the dreaded paralysis. In fact, Harvard virologist Joseph Cabral refers to AFM as “The Replacement Polio” and suggests that their primary difference is in name.

That being the case, public health officials can hold onto their claims that a certain nation has eradicated polio, even if paralysis cases rise, by simply diagnosing every paralysis case as AFM.

11. UN and US coerce other countries to aggressively vaccinate children

The US government exercises long arm coercion to pressure other nations to adopt aggressive vaccination plans by issuing travel advisories for non-compliant states. These advisories could result in tremendous losses of tourism revenue and associated taxes, thus acting as a powerful “stick” complementing the “carrot” of “free” vaccines funded by taxpayers in Western states and NGOs, and distributed by the WHO

In a classic example of this strategy, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization, the global immunization advisory body to the WHO, on April 7, 2022, urged Israel to take action in response to  just one symptomatic polio case and US public health officials at the CDC added Israel to the list of destinations currently considered high risk for polio

Reports leave no doubt about the effect of the WHO and CDC announcements. Israel's new vaccination campaign starting April 11, 2022, was specifically “in response” to the WHO and CDC pressure:

In response, [Israel’s] Health Ministry recently launched the ‘Two Drops' polio vaccination operation for all minors.

The “Two Drops” program aims to administer polio vaccines to all of Israel's 2 million children and to do so ahead of the country’s official vaccination schedule, stressing that all unvaccinated children “must get the remaining doses.”

What's more, Israel's new program provides for 2 OPV doses without informing Israeli parents that the OPV carries a danger of paralysis and is being used to protect the greater population, not their children. 

In some cases, a nation’s health ministry is already in favor of aggressive vaccination campaigns, but lagging public support makes the campaigns unlikely to succeed in the absence of outside pressure, which is then supplied by the WHO and CDC. Those populations are thus pressured to vaccinate by public health officials from within and without.