Media rewrite election history, call Al Gore ‘gracious loser’

Mainstream media are attempting to revise history in an effort to portray Donald Trump as the only president to ever challenge election results. 

On Sunday, ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl referred to failed presidential candidate Al Gore as a “gracious loser”, despite the former vice-president having publicly contested the 2000 election against former President George W. Bush multiple times. Gore at first conceded the election, but then quickly withdrew his concession and proceeded to demand multiple ballot recounts. Eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court ended the recounts and Gore was forced to concede once again. 

Still, several House Democrats objected to the certification of the election. 

But to Gore and ABC’s Karl, that never happened. 

“The Constitution required what I did and there’s nothing really extraordinary about it,” Gore replied, referring to his eventual certification of the election results as sitting vice-president. 

“Was it personally difficult? Well, you know, when the fate of the country and the traditions and honor of our democracy are at stake, it’s not really a difficult choice,” Gore added modestly. 

Then, Karl tweeted Gore’s remarks and praised the former vice-president's concession speech, which he gave only after the Supreme Court put a stop to the recounts. 

“Gore’s concession speech in December 2000 was gracious, unifying and one of the best speeches he ever gave,” Karl gushed. 

“Talk about rewriting history,” Red State’s Bonchie pointed out. “Gore conceded, unconceded, and only conceded again because the Supreme Court slapped him down. Democrats then spent the next 8 years accusing Bush of being an illegitimate president.” 

Gore has recently re-entered the fray as a climate alarmist, 16 years after his Oscar-winning doomsday documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Gore, like many climate catastrophists, preaches austerity and sacrifice while living opulently. Gore’s mansion alone is said to use 21 times the annual energy used by the average home. 

Nevertheless, Gore made headlines this week after likening “climate deniers” - those who do not believe in an impending climate change-caused Armageddon – to the police in Uvalde, Texas who stood by this May while 19 children were slaughtered inside Robb Elementary School. 

“You know, the climate deniers are really in some ways similar to all of those, almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred,” Gore told NBC’s Chuck Todd Sunday. 

 “They heard the screams. They heard the gunshots and nobody has stepped forward,” he continued. “God bless those families that suffered so much. And law enforcement officials tell us that’s not typical of what law enforcement usually does.” 

 “And confronted with this global emergency, what we’re doing with our inaction in failing to walk through the door and stop the killing is not typical of what we are capable of as human beings. We do have the solutions. And I think these extreme events that are getting steadily worse and more severe are really beginning to change minds. We have to have unity as a nation to come together and stop making this a political football. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.”