Media panic: World heating up faster than ‘rest of the world’

Climate catastrophists in the mainstream media continue to sound the alarm over climate change, warning that the planet is heating up at dangerous rates. 

But in their zeal to cause widespread panic over the weather, news outlets are tripping themselves up with uncoordinated mistakes, leaving holes in their stories and even causing #ClimateScam to trend on Twitter Thursday. 

In one faux pas, various media outlets have been reporting that different countries are heating up “faster than the rest of the world.” 

“Europe heating up faster than much of the world, climate scientist says,” reported CBC News last week. 

Last year, however, it was Israel. 

“Israel warming up almost twice as fast as rest of world, data shows,” reported Ynet News. 

Then again, so was New England. 

“Study: New England Is Warming Up Faster Than The Rest Of The World,” reported CBS News

As was Europe... 

“Europe is warming faster than the rest of the world and scientists are puzzled,” reported 

...And Africa, which had been heating up more than the global average for decades. 

“Africa warming faster than rest of world: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report,” reported Down to Earth

“Africa Warming More, Faster Than Other World Regions,” echoed VOA News. 

“The report finds the warming trend over the last three decades in all African subregions was stronger than in the previous 30 years. During this period, it said Africa has warmed faster than the global average temperature over land and ocean combined,” the article said. 

The year before that, it was China. 

“China Is Heating Up Faster Than The Global Average, Data Shows,” reported Bloomberg in 2020, saying it had been happening for decades. 

“China has seen faster temperature increases and rising sea levels than the global average rate over the past few decades, and experienced more frequent extreme weather events, according to official data,” said the article. 

But other outlets said it was Australia. 

“Australia is Warming Faster than Global Average,” reported Statista in 2020. 

A review by America’s Frontline News of Israeli media reports found that the expected heatwaves the media are using to push climate alarmism are actually cooler than last year’s. 

“The Health Ministry issued an extreme temperature warning as a heatwave intensified on Wednesday, with its peak expected on Thursday,” reported Times of Israel Wednesday.   

“Wednesday’s temperatures are forecast to hit 30°C (86°F) in Tel Aviv with 59 percent humidity, 32°C (89.6°F) in Jerusalem with 19% humidity, 28°C (82.4°F) in Haifa alongside 79% humidity, 34°C (93.2°F) in Kiryat Shmona coupled with 65% humidity, 36°C (96.8°F) in Beersheba with 51% humidity and 40°C (104°F) in Eilat with 25% humidity, the IMS said,” explained the article.  

Times of Israel then added that “climate scientists have warned that such extreme weather events will become more frequent due to global warming,” before warning that it will be much hotter by 2030.  

But last year, Times of Israel reported hotter temperatures, even adding that they were “not record-breaking.”  

“After a hot week and weekend, temperatures further rose on Sunday throughout the country, with some 60% humidity in coastal areas,” reported the outlet in July 2021.  

“Highs on Sunday were 34°C/93°F in Jerusalem, 30°C/86°F in Tel Aviv, 38°C/100°F in Beersheba, 40°C/104°F in Tiberias and 43°C/109°F in Eilat.”  

Then, too, Times of Israel mentioned climate change, though its tone was far more tempered:  

“While far from record-breaking, the heatwave, combined with the devastating storms in Europe and extremely hot temperatures recorded several weeks ago in the United States, Canada and elsewhere, is seen by experts as another example of phenomena exacerbated by climate change.”