Media, lawmakers launch new ‘foreign influence’ conspiracy theories against Musk

Mainstream media and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill are moving to seize Twitter from Elon Musk’s control based on familiar conspiracy theories of “foreign interference”. 

The claim that Twitter is compromised, made by federal government and media allies, comes after Musk began releasing The Twitter Files, a trove of communications from Twitter’s former management team showing a shocking censorship machine programmed to protect the Democratic Party. 

“Breaking: [Elon Musk’s] [Twitter] Files show Twitter activist employees, without basis, suppressed and censored the President of the United States, [Donald Trump] in the days before the 2020 election. This is damning evidence of election interference,” tweeted Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton. 

“Unequivocally true,” replied Elon Musk. “The evidence is clear and voluminous.” 

In response, MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann demanded the federal government step in and wrest control of Twitter from Musk, citing groundless theories of “foreign influence”. 

“It's time for Senate hearings into what scheme [Elon Musk] is up to, what terrorist or foreign influence is involved, and what can be done to remove this public medium from his malign control,” wrote Olbermann. 

For their part, Democratic legislators are also suggesting foul play by a foreign power, this time naming China in place of Russia.  

Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi ( D-IL)., Adam Schiff (D-CA)., and Jackie Speier (D-CA) sent a letter to Musk last week demanding information on a possible “platform manipulation campaign” by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The lawmakers based their conspiracy theory on an article from The Washington Post, which claimed that Chinese-language accounts began spamming Twitter with pornography and escort services during the China protests against lockdowns last month. 

“To ensure that the United States is prepared to counter, thwart, and deter foreign influence threats online, it is critical that we understand the extent of the PRC’s potential manipulation of Twitter and identify how recent changes at Twitter are affecting the threat of CCP foreign influence operations on social media,” the lawmakers wrote. 

The letter makes clear that the congressmen accept the Washington Post article as undisputed fact: 

In light of these concerns, please provide the following information regarding the misinformation campaign during recent protests in the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party’s involvement in that activity, and Twitter’s ability to respond to foreign influence campaigns and malicious activity.

Curiously, the legislators show great concern about “suppression of speech” on the platform: 

“Given Twitter’s emphasis on free speech, what measures are in place or underway to block efforts to prevent access to information through the network?” the letter asks. 

“Does Twitter currently have the capacity to identify large scale misinformation, disinformation, and information suppression on its platform as it occurs?” the lawmakers added. 

Musk was given until the end of the year to respond.