Media, elites fawn over Martha’s Vineyard illegal migrants after expelling them

The ultra-wealthy residents of Martha’s Vineyard this week are gushing over the 50 illegal migrants they had expelled by the military not 48 hours since being deposited in their front yard.  

While they were furious at the time for having their serenity disturbed on the idyllic island – Hillary Clinton declared it “human trafficking,” and filmmaker Ken Burns compared it to the Holocaust – the glitterati are now patting themselves on the back for involuntarily hosting the destitute migrants while the National Guard was mobilized. The troops have moved the migrants to a military base in Cape Cod.

Now, mainstream media are dutifully conveying the A-listers' self-congratulations. 

“'They enriched us.' Migrants' 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on Martha's Vineyard,” reports a headline from CNN. 

The article begins by telling how the Martha’s Vineyard residents shared “tearful hugs and goodbyes” with the migrants, most of whom appear to have been single men. 

Martha’s Vineyard resident Lisa Belcastro, who had complained to reporters that the migrants were taking up too much space, is taking a softer line. Now that the migrants are gone, she wants them to “be embraced” and “have a happy ending.” 

"I want them to have a good life," she said. "I want the journey they experienced and the hardships they experienced to have been worth it for them and their families. I want them to come to America and be embraced. They all want to work. And I just I want their journey to have a happy ending." 

On Friday, Belcastro had said the migrants "have to move from here to somewhere else.” 

Jackie Stallings, another resident of Martha’s Vineyard, said seeing footage of the migrants’ journey to America – during which people died along the way – reminded her of cat videos. 

"It was like she was showing me cat videos but it was actually their journey and what they endured to get here," said Stallings. " There were bodies and moms with babies trying to get through mud that was like clay." 

Stallings is a member of Martha's Vineyard Community Services, which created a fundraising campaign to help raise money for the migrants. 

Martha’s Vineyard residents typically lean politically Left and have lectured on the importance of diversity and welcoming illegal immigrants. Many support Biden’s open border policy, which has devolved into an historic crisis. These residents include former President Barack Obama, whose open-door border policy caused a spike in murder rates. The Obamas threw a large birthday bash in their nearly $12 million compound in Martha’s Vineyard last year as the pandemic raged.  

Other homeowners in Martha’s Vineyard include Hillary Clinton, whose proposed immigration plan was slated to top Obama’s in lawlessness, Biden climate commissar John Kerry, whose home and 18.5 acres have a similar price tag, Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm creator Larry David, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and many other celebrities.