Media deny congressman’s involvement with Chinese spy despite FBI confirmation

Mainstream media last week attempted to whitewash a Democratic congressman’s involvement with a Chinese spy despite the congressman himself admitting to the fact following FBI warnings. 

An Axios report in December 2020 revealed that Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) had been involved with a suspected Chinese spy named Fang Fang, or as she made herself known to Swalwell, Christine Fang. 

Fang used extensive networking and fundraising to get close to several US politicians, including Swalwell and two Midwestern mayors with whom she also had sexual relationships. She was involved with fundraising for Swalwell’s 2014 campaign and helped place an intern in the congressman’s office. She and Swalwell met up at several events over the next few years. 

Swalwell said he broke off ties with Fang after being alerted by the FBI that she was likely a spy for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He continued to retain his seat on the House Intelligence Committee. 

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson reported that Fang had a sexual relationship with Eric Swalwell citing U.S. intelligence officials. However, Swalwell’s office would not comment on the allegation saying it was “classified” information. 

Last week, however, NBC reporter Julie Tsirkin told MSNBC that Republicans were spreading a “false claim” that Swalwell was involved with a Chinese spy. 

“The big thing here is that [House Speaker] Kevin McCarthy even in his press conference on Thursday continues to say false claims about some members, including Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, who are key members on the Intelligence Committee, saying that because of some allegations including a false claim that Swalwell was involved with a Chinese spy, nearly a decade ago – that was of course unproven when people looked into him – that because of this reason he will not be allowed to sit on the intel committee and neither will Schiff,” said Tsirkin. 

No such claim about Swalwell’s involvement with Fang Fang, sexually or otherwise, was ever “unproven”. 

MSNBC’s boldness in denying established claims to protect Democratic lawmakers also extends to fabricating truths about its political opponents. 

“It's time for Senate hearings into what scheme [Elon Musk] is up to, what terrorist or foreign influence is involved, and what can be done to remove this public medium from his malign control,” wrote MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann last month after Elon Musk began releasing The Twitter Files. 

MSNBC’s allies on Capitol Hill concurrently began accusing Musk of involvement with China.