Media bury story about Black socialist mayor arrested for burglary

Mainstream media operatives are attempting to bury a story about a Black socialist mayor in Georgia who was arrested Saturday for first-degree trespassing and burglary.

South Fulton Mayor Khalid Kumau reportedly entered a house early Saturday morning that he claims he thought was abandoned. He encountered the homeowner, who blocked Kumau’s exit and called the police. According to the report, Kumau told the homeowner: “Do you know who the f*** I am? I’m the mayor, and I’ll wait for my police to get here and see what happens then.”

In the mayor’s account, he started to leave the premises when he realized the house was not abandoned but was stopped by the owner. “No motherf***ker, you stay right there,” he claims the owner said who then threatened to shoot the mayor.

Kumau was arrested by Black police officers and was released on $11,000 bail. During his arrest, a reporter asked the mayor if he was guilty. “I think that’s for the voters to decide,” Kumau responded.

He also complained about “inequities” in South Fulton which, at 92% Black, is considered the “Blackest City in America”: “I apologize for the negative attention that this is brought to our city,” Kamau told a Fox 5 reporter. “I hope that the spotlight on our city right now will highlight some of the inequities that have been happening.”

As of this report, Kumau’s arrest has been reported neither by CNN, ABC News, CBS News, BBC, Washington Post, Politico, nor the Atlantic.

Kumau, who describes himself as a “Black socialist”, was a key organizer in Black Lives Matter, an organization which defrauded thousands of Americans, including many Black Americans. Last year, he marched through the streets with pink-haired operatives in black tactical uniforms and ran on the slogan “Black on purpose”. He has officially declared racism a public health crisis and made Juneteenth a paid holiday.

“A college-educated, community activist and Southern, Black, Christian Socialist, — Mayor khalid brings a unique blend of professionalism, passion, and authenticity to government,” says the City of South Fulton’s website.