Media blame Trump for COVID vaccines after Alex Jones prediction

The mainstream media last week began suddenly began blaming President Donald Trump for the COVID-19 vaccines, which they spent nearly two years promoting relentlessly. The unexpected shift occurred just days after Infowars founder Alex Jones predicted that the vaccine would become Trump’s Achilles’ heel. 

“Alex Jones here issuing an emergency warning to President Trump,” said the podcast host. “Not a warning out of any desire to hurt you, Mr. Trump, but to save your important legacy and hopefully ensure you can get back into the White House coming up in 2024. 

“We know the election was stolen. We know the ‘Deep State’ is trying to set you up any way they can. We understand you are a lion surrounded by hyenas.” 

Jones then said that the COVID-19 injections, which are being blamed for a sudden rise in unexplained deaths among healthy people, may be the one fight Trump cannot win. 

“But the number one issue that is going to end up biting you in the a** like nothing else is the experimental shot that Fauci and Bill Gates and Birx and the rest of them convinced you would actually save millions of lives and get the economy going when they had brought out their lockdowns.” 

Jones recently switched his support for a 2024 presidential run from Trump to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has emerged as a considerable contender for the president. 

“I know why you did it. You’ve done so many other great things for this nation,” Jones continued. “And I admire you and I appreciate you and I want to support you for president. But Ron DeSantis is coming out and admitting that the vaccines don’t work because now the CDC and others have been forced to admit that. We had [former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator] Deborah Birx coming out and saying she knew the vaccine wouldn’t protect. We have [Rochelle] Walensky, the current head of the CDC, coming out and saying they were wrong about all this.” 

The CDC’s new guidance published two weeks ago officially removed any difference in recommendation between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated, suggesting that there is no epidemiological difference between the two. 

The CDC “brings the recommendations for unvaccinated people in line with people who are fully vaccinated – an acknowledgment of the high levels of population immunity in the U.S., due to vaccination, past COVID-19 infections or both,” reported NPR.   

“But you were still out there saying, ‘No, it’s great’ and you’re proud of it,” added Jones. “Now they’ve admittedly set you and America and the world up with an experimental drug they rolled out of gene therapy against the public, it is critical for you to decouple from these people, like [Brazil President Jair] Bolsonaro and [Hungary Prime Minister] Victor Orbán have done, saying, ‘Hey, at first we were for this, we thought it might help, but now we know it doesn’t work, it’s a fraud and we need to put the brakes on this.'

“President Trump, I care about you. I know you mean well. You’re a very smart man. But they’re coming after six-month-old-and-up babies with these dangerous shots,” Jones pleaded. 

Less than a week later came the first shocking headline from Politico: “Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds.” 

A second headline from the Washington Post followed up: “House panel: Trump sought to pressure FDA on covid vaccines, treatment.”