Masks are ‘not saving lives’, says FL surgeon general

In a bold statement over the weekend, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo slammed the use of masks against COVID-19. 

Speaking at a news conference in Panama City alongside Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Ladapo said that scientifically, the protection provided by masks is miniscule, if at all. He even went so far as to urge people to challenge doctors who claim that masks are effective. 

“To the doctors who tell you that these things save lives, ask them what did the two randomized clinical trials that we’ve done during the pandemic, what did they show?” Ladapo challenged. “Ask them that when they tell you that these things save lives. One found nothing. Zero benefit. The other found a small benefit, like a tiny benefit that’s a little bit methodologically shaky.” 

Ladapo went on to say that science is conclusive about masks being completely useless for young people. 

“And by the way, none of them found a benefit in young people. Not a single one found a benefit in young people. That’s the highest-quality evidence. That’s what it showed,” said Ladapo. 

The surgeon general then lamented that doctors who speak the truth are shunned. 

“Doctors who said that, who said that these things aren’t going to save your life, these things aren’t going to end the pandemic – these doctors got kicked off of social media. These are facts. They’ve had their licenses suspended...I mean that’s crazy!

“Good doctors who were brave enough to say what the science showed got punished,” continued Ladapo. “That’s happening and it’s still happening where people are still holding up the illusion that these things save lives. These things are not saving lives.” 

Ladapo also blasted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for producing low-quality scientific evidence based on “shaky studies, shaky methods”. 

“Finding 80% reductions in infections? Give me a break, you know?” Ladapo said. “Nothing that we’re seeing in this country justifies that kind of conclusion. That’s what the evidence shows.” 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also criticized the CDC at the press conference. 

“I take no joy in saying this – I mean, if you look at how CDC has performed over the last couple of years, fact of the matter is it leaves a lot to be desired,” said DeSantis. “There’s a lot of politics, a lot of ideology.” 

The governor specifically focused on how the CDC suddenly loosened its indoor mask guidance days before President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, as reported in AFLDS Frontline News here

“I mean just think about how all the guidance has changed right before the State of the Union address. Is that how science works?” DeSantis said to laughter and applause. “Does the science change based on polling data? Does the science change because you have a midterm election coming up?” 

DeSantis was criticized last week after he told students at the University of South Florida to take off their masks. 

“You do not have to wear those masks,” he said. “I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything and we’ve gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is, this is ridiculous.”