Marxist millionaires funding Hamas rage protests

  • Supposedly spontaneous “raging” pro-Hamas rallies are actually the result of a well-funded and planned operation
  • The same protesters do not hold mass rallies against Hamas' murder and torture of Muslims
  • The Marxist funder of pro-Hamas protests built a fortune with a private business
  • Marxists and Muslims join together in a Red/Green axis to spread revolution

Mainstream media (MSM) have claimed that protests demanding that Israel halt its war to bring down the Hamas regime in Gaza are triggered by ordinary people “disgusted and horrified” by the suffering of the Gazan population.

The Free Press has revealed, though, that the protests are "not merely a story of organic rage" but stem from a well-funded operation led by Marxist Neville Singham, and his wife Jodie Evans.

The pro-Palestinian protests over the last month, where tens of thousands in the U.S. have chanted for the end of Israel, are not merely a story of organic rage. They are also funded in large part by an uber-wealthy American-born tech entrepreneur: Neville Roy Singham, and his wife Jodie Evans. . . .

Singham is more than just a Marxist with deep pockets. 

He is also a China sympathizer who lives in Shanghai and has close ties to at least four propaganda news sites that boost the Chinese Communist Party’s image abroad . . . [Emphases added].

All expenses paid

The Marxist couple funds the pro-Hamas rallies through more than $20 million dollars in donations to The People’s Forum, “through a series of shell organizations and donor advisory groups—accounting for nearly all of the group’s funding.” The People’s Forum is affiliated with the openly Communist “Party for Socialism and Liberation” and boasts a picture of Lenin on its homepage

In a tweet dated October 7th, the very day of the massacre, the People's Forum already announced a protest against any Israeli response to the attacks, while Hamas was still butchering women and children. The rally took place the next day.

The People’s Forum's protest advertisements now include a map of all of Israel, including Tel Aviv together with Gaza and the West Bank, colored red as one territory, “from the river to the sea,” to come under Hamas and PLO control. 

Those advertisements link to a professionally prepared website, ShutItDown4Palestine, which features protest registration forms and tool kits with talking points, media demands and multiple flyers and posters, each in multiple languages, for downloading and printing. It even has separate tool kits for store shutdowns, petitions and organizational work. 

The website does not reveal whether protesters receive free transportation or compensation for time spent traveling and attending the rallies, as those details may be revealed only by word-of-mouth or in text messages after a protester's registration is approved. 

Where was the rage?

If the protests in the West opposing the war against Hamas were “organic,” resulting from rage at the killing of Gazans, those same protesters would be expected to protest the killing of Gazans by Hamas itself. No such protests have taken place, though, despite well documented Amnesty International reports of the abduction, torture and execution of Gazan Arabs carried out by Hamas. 

Where is the rage?

Even now, when well organized and advertised protests have brought protesters to the streets, there is no mention at those protests of Hamas violence against Gazan Arabs. Nor is there any mention of Hamas' massacre of Bedouin Muslims, dozens of whom were tortured and killed, together with hundreds of Jewish women and children, at the massacre.

The attendees also fail to address the current suffering of Gaza's Arabs at the hands of Hamas, when even elderly Muslim women have been threatened with murder should they attempt to escape Hamas control.

We tried to escape. They (Hamas) forced us to stay here. They said they would cut my stomach open. Would slaughter me if I try to escape. . . . 

We're prisoners of Hamas. I prefer the Jews.

Hamas has made good on this threat, firing on Gazan Arabs who flee from their role as “human shields” for Hamas.

Unlike the protesters in the West who comfortably participate in the Marxists' well funded rallies, Gazan Arabs have risked their lives to join truly organic protests against Hamas atrocities from inside Gaza. They chanted and blasted Hamas leaders in the vain hope of being joined by protesters outside Gaza:

Leave us alone Hamas.

America, take Hamas away from us.

Where is the justice? This is the leadership of Sinwar and Haniyeh?

God protect us from Hamas. 

The sons (of Hamas leaders) have everything they need. They get cars and they get jeeps and our children get nothing.

All of this is because of the Hamas dogs.

Please tell those who destroyed the country, [Ismail Haniyeh], you are the biggest collaborator (traitor).

You sold our blood for the dollars. 

We pay all our money to Hamas; we don't have food. [Emphases added].


Of course, many of the Western protesters are not even aware of Hamas' murder of Gazan and Bedouin Arabs, as MSM has avoided any reporting that would challenge the narrative of Hamas protecting Arabs from Israel. In that vacuum of reporting, social media campaigns to “help” Gazans by supporting Hamas are more likely to succeed.

The legacy media's shaping of opinion, as opposed to reporting all the facts, combines with professionally organized protest movements to incentivize rally attendance by a highly manipulated crowd, whipped into a frenzy by pictures of suffering children. No pictures of actually targeted and murdered Jewish children are shown and no mention is made of the fact that Israel goes to great lengths, including making warning phone calls, to avoid harming the children being used as human shields by Hamas. Many of the pictures are even circulated after being proven to be fraudulent. 

In a truly Orwellian irony, the “non-organic” protesters are manipulated into a raging opposition of a war designed to prevent repeat massacres and to free Gazans of Hamas tyranny.

Marxist entrepreneur?

The Free Press reports that Singham, “grew up steeped in far-left politics. . . . When he was 17, he joined the radical Marxist group and labor union League of Revolutionary Black Workers.” His ideology did not, however, prevent him from using the free market to build a private business with 4,500 employees and amass a fortune. Still, he remained every bit a Marxist before, during and after his personal success as a capitalist, continuing to praise Cuba, Venezuela and China. 

Singham's wife, Jodie Evans, who co-founded the far left Code Pink, likewise supports Communist China:

She launched the #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy campaign through Code Pink in 2020, and now leads a series of webinars on Code Pink’s YouTube page where she praises China’s “beautiful history” and its party-state political structure.  [Emphases added].

Marxist supporters of religion?

Mirroring their contradictory life as entrepreneurial Marxists, the couple claim to support religious Muslims even as they back anti-religious Communist regimes. Evans specifically justifies China's abuse of its Muslim minority.

Evans justifies the oppression of Uyghur Muslims in China, where more than a million have been forcibly detained in “reeducation camps,” leading to reports of beating and systemic rape. [Emphases added].

Evans' support for China's treatment of Muslims persists even in the face of an ABC report that China mass sterilizes its Muslim minorities in what “could amount to genocide.” 

If Singham and Evans were organizing pro-Hamas protests as a reaction to the killing of Muslim Gazans, they would be expected to also protest Hamas' murder of those same Gazans and to protest the rapes and forced sterilizations of Muslim women in China. They don't. So what then drives the couple's support of Hamas?

Red/Green Axis

Frontline News has reported on the Red/Green axis, also known as “the Crescent and the Hammer,” in which atheist Marxists join Muslims to overthrow a common enemy:

RAIR Foundation USA was on the scene in Ottawa on October 12, 2023, to witness a disturbing pro-Hamas rally that illustrated the coordination of Marxists and Muslims, known as the Red/Green Axis. This unholy alliance has a historical pattern: ‘Communists and Islamic Supremacists have a long history of uniting to destroy their common enemy: those who believe in sovereignty and individual freedom.’ 

Marxists have used such alliances, which are not exclusively built with Muslims, to carry out so called “wars of national liberation” against free nations to replace them with revolutionary, state-controlled regimes.

Visit us again as we continue our coverage of: 

  • The seven steps of “wars of national liberation”
  • How Marxists and Muslims treat each other after gaining power
  • How “innocent” the supposedly “innocent citizens” of Gaza actually are
  • The staging of Israeli atrocities

And see our additional Middle East coverage:

  1. Arab kings, Egypt block Iran at summit on Israel
  2. 'Our revolution is a phase of world revolution: it is not limited to reconquering Palestine'
  3. Globalists cremate care for Gaza refugees
  4. How one defector got it right
  5. 100 years of fake communist collapses
  6. Did the Soviet Union fake its own funeral?
  7. 'Victory means total destruction, occupation, expulsion, and settlement' - Former Knesset Deputy Speaker
  8. Israel: Pressure builds for total victory while leaders stall - analysis
  9. 'Don't starve; you can release kidnapped children and surrender anytime' - former US Naval Officer
  10. 8 ways Bibi betrayed the Jewish nation - analysis
  11. State Department pressing allies to concede to Marxist revolutionaries
  12. Israel's chief justice approves confession extracted under torture, denies appeal
  13. Friends of Israel concerned over ruling allowing confessions extracted under torture
  14. US refuses to support Iranian protestors
  15. ‘Everybody Knows: Corruption in America’ and around the world
  16. Israel vs Israelis
  17. Biden sides with socialists; pressures Israel to protect activist judges