Mark Steyn shines spotlight on vaccine victims

“If you watch other TV stations, if you listen to other radio stations, if you go on social media – the people in this room with me tonight do not exist.”

So began GBNews anchor Mark Steyn last week as he stood surrounded by victims of the COVID-19 injections. Some people in the crowd held portraits of their loved ones who fell victim to the shots and presumably died or were too disabled to attend the gathering.

“In fact, as you can see, they’re real, they’re flesh and blood, they are your fellow citizens. And they represent hundreds of thousands of other people in every corner of these islands, and millions more around the globe.”

But any criticism of the COVID-19 vaccine or doubting its safety – even if true and supported by science – can get someone suspended from social media, as in the case of this world-class medical scientist who shared a peer-reviewed study on Twitter. Other times, social media platforms might label criticism of the vaccine as “unsafe”, as with this study.

“Yet, if they post on Twitter, if they post on Facebook, they are labeled as ‘misleading’, as ‘disinformation’, and as ‘fake news,’” continued Steyn. “These people are not in the least bit fake; they are victims of the COVID vaccines. Some of them have lost husbands, have lost parents, have lost children to these vaccines. Others among us are now chronically injured. They can’t work; they can’t drive. They’re faced with the prospect of having to sell their homes in order to pay medical bills.”

The stories of some vaccine victims are published by America’s Frontline News in its weekly Vaccine Victims report.

“They’re real and they have been shamefully treated – not only by the state, and by that I don’t just mean the Queen’s ministers, but Her very Majesty herself, told all these people that we should all take the vaccine.”

Then Steyn rounded on the media, which do their part to obscure vaccine injuries.

“Then we have the media, who have just ignored this story, and I don’t just mean the pom-pom girls of Good Morning Britain that you would expect to be content to serve as propagandists for the so-called ‘Butch Boys’ like Kevin O’Sullivan, to his shame, of talk radio who dismissed these people as yesterday’s news.”

“They’re not yesterday’s news. They’re very much today’s news. If you don’t follow the news, I don’t blame you,” he continued, before describing COVID vaccine policies in Western democracies. “Because on the COVID vaccine stuff it’s getting worse. In the United States they’re jabbing 6-month-old babies. In Australia, the New South Wales Health Minister is berating the double-vaccinated for being insufficiently enthusiastic about getting a third jab in the arm. In Canada, Justin Trudeau has said that you have to get jabbed in order to enjoy life as a citizen of a free society. You have to get jabbed every nine months.”

“These people,” Steyn concluded, “are the consequences of one of the worst public policies anywhere on Earth in modern times.”