‘Mandates do work’: Ashish Jha says US will ‘assess’ need for air travel vaccine mandate

White House COVID-19 Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha – also called the “Founding Father of Lockdowns” - suggested Sunday that the Biden administration may impose a vaccine mandate for travel. 

In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd asked Jha if there will be a vaccine mandate for flying. 

“Is that something that can be implemented, a vaccine mandate for air travel?” asked Todd. 

“That’s a really good question,” replied Jha. “I mean, I was – I have always believed, and certainly in the early days of the pandemic, uh, once vaccines became available that it was very important to get as many Americans vaccinated as quickly as possible.  

Then Jha, who never saw a mandate he didn’t like, extolled mandates. 

“And mandates worked. Mandates do work. We are in a different position now, obviously, with more than 220 million Americans vaccinated, 100 million people boosted, uh, and so we really have to ask ourselves, what is the role of mandates moving forward?” 

As reported by Frontline News, Jha was one of the architects of the unscientific policy that forced Americans to remain at home, causing damage to countless lives, in some cases irreparably. As the mainstream media’s “medical expert”, Jha also pushed heavily for mask mandates, especially on children.

None of Jha's mandates have been shown to work.

Last week, Jha hinted at an extension to the federal mask mandate, which was put into effect days later. 

But it seems Americans are not embracing Jha or other members of the “mandate mafia”, with some taking to Twitter to respond to Jha’s latest remarks. 

“Between vaccine mandates and puberty blockers, the Left has fully become the party of Big Pharma,” wrote author and commentator Matt Walsh. “They will fight to the death to protect the pharmaceutical industry's profit margins.”

“Jha is out-Fauci-ing Fauci. He’s the new guy for Sunday Show panic mongering. He also has a conflict of interest. @ashishkjha has a cozy White House job now that will go away if he allows the covid era to end.” 

“I've never voted for a Republican in my life, but Biden's handlers sure seem to want me to.” 

“Who feels ‘Duped’? You get the shot but still can get sick, more than once too, & the boosters don't help any with the New variants.. The shot does Not protect one from anything. So Why still the mandates ?” 

“Mandates work how?” 

“Hard to believe this is still being said by anyone—not to mention so-called experts—in 2022.” 

“Can’t wait to vote all of them out. Landslide coming in November!” 

“There hasn’t been a camera or newspaper quote that @ashishkjha hasn’t wanted to volunteer for.” 

“LoL. I DARE you.” 
