UK: Manchester schools locked down for ‘malicious communications’

Some schools in Manchester Thursday were placed under lockdown after receiving “malicious communications” though parents received no further details.

In the United Kingdom, “malicious communications” are defined as “letters or other articles meant to cause distress or anxiety”. They may take the form of threats or content that is “grossly offensive,” “indecent," or “information which is false and known or believed to be false by the sender.” UK citizens who voice opposition to totalitarian gender ideology are sometimes arrested by authorities in their homes for “malicious communications”.

Parents whose children were locked down in Manchester Thursday were not told the nature of the “malicious communications” received and, although Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said there was “no credible threat,” were told not to come to school.

"School has been put into partial lockdown—this means teaching will be taking place as usual, but nobody can come in or out of the building. Please do not come to school at this time,” read an email sent to parents by Oswald Road Primary School. 

"Please note that all children are safe and there is no threat in the building. All external doors have been locked and currently normal school activities are still taking place,” a further email added. "We appreciate this is highly concerning, however we would urge parents not to call the office at this point so that we can continue to keep the phone lines clear."

An email to parents from Kenwood Day Nursery read, "We have been informed that the local schools have gone into lockdown due to safety reasons. We have also gone into lockdown as we are in the neighbouring area until further notice.

"All children will be kept inside the building until further notice, all children and staff are safe and sound. At this moment in time I would like to ask parents to call the nursery ahead of time to let us know you are coming."

GMP emphasized that the communications received posed no “credible threat”:

As in any situation of this nature, we are taking these reports extremely seriously and have a number of lines of enquiry active.

At present, we do not believe these communications to have any credible threat, however, we are continuing with robust and diligent investigation.

We ask the public not to be alarmed by an increased visible policing presence - officers are simply there to provide reassurance, ensure public safety, and to listen to any community concerns.