Mainstream media coddles California health official evading accountability

California Medical Board President Kristina Lawson claimed in a series of tweets and interviews that she was stalked and confronted by members of what she called “a group that peddles medical disinformation, promotes fake COVID-19 treatments” in “a terrifying experience.” However, spokesmen for the civil liberties organization say the account of the incident being offered as factual truth is “sensationalized and complete nonsense.”

A team of medical professionals and investigative journalists with America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) posed Lawson a set of questions on December 6th, in attempt to receive her reply in her official capacity. Although Walnut Creek Police Department Spokeswoman Lt. Holley Connors confirmed that "there is no evidence of a crime," the law firm chief executive and medical board president seemed to suggest she was traumatized by the “terrifying experience.” Despite claims by Lawson that she was “ambushed” in “a dark parking garage when they suspected I would be alone,” documentation of the encounter may suggest Lawson could be dramatizing the incident.

AFLDS Strategy Director Attorney Joe Gilbert stated the team conducted the investigation “by the book, and did everything within legal means. There was no recording of her at her house, or of her children. The only footage of her that we have is in the parking garage where Dr. Christopher Rake tried to interview her. The drones used for surveillance did not record. She was not alone in the garage.”

Although politely confronting public officials with questions about their role has been considered the sacrosanct responsibility of the journalist, this did not stop mainstream media outlets from indulging in what some have termed “political theater” with an aim to stereotype, exclude, and dehumanize political opponents, a progression that, according to the Auschwitz Museum, are the very steps in the long process through which hatred developed into gas chambers.

Falsely calling AFLDS an “anti-vaccination organization,” the LA Times published a headline entitled Lacking scientific support for their views, anti-vaxxers opt for physical intimidation, in which the paper denies the overwhelming scientific support for effective early COVID treatments.

“Even” Fox News, albeit hiding behind New York Times coverage, repeated the attack on AFLDS, saying “The group has propagated misleading claims of the COVID-19 virus, including hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment and masks did not decrease the spread of the virus, according to the Times.”  Hydroxychloroquine has been proven in numerous peer-reviewed studies to be an effective COVID-19 treatment, and the largest study of masks determined it would take 300 people wearing a mask for a month to protect one person from testing positive in the now-obsolete PCR test, upon which the existence of the pandemic was based.

America’s Frontline Doctors is a civil liberties organization that champions freedom of speech,” said AFLDS Founder Dr. Simone Gold. “We all would certainly welcome a safe and effective vaccine in the presence of a deadly pandemic.”

“However,” stressed Gold, “Official portrayal of both the pandemic and government response has been characterized by an endless cycle of fraud and cover-up."

She continued: “Regarding Lawson’s evasion of accountability to those she’s meant to serve, far from being an ‘ambush’ in a dark garage, it was a perfectly lit scenario where she was free to leave at any time. Questions were asked, that’s all.  These were legitimate and fair questions, and there was no aggression or physical threat in any way.”

Dr, Gold concluded: “I think many will be shocked by what they see with their own eyes and hear what actually took place, and how it’s been portrayed in the press. It’s the very reason why no one trusts the media anymore.”