Letters to Dr Gold: Regina McQueen

On July 26th, Dr. Gold entered federal prison, and has since been inundated with letters of encouragement, support and love from the thousands she has helped throughout the years.

The following is a very small fraction of those letters.

Dear Dr. Gold,

You have been a steadfast, immovable Truth-teller from the beginning....from my first exposure to you in your first White Coat Summit.  You helped my family with the truth of C-19 treatments and we went straight to AFLDS to get that help when C-19 stuck in our house 18 months ago.  We benefited from your activism, from your willingness to be truthful and go against the mainstream and the so-called 'experts'.  THANK YOU will never be enough.  I think that you threw the first pebble into the pond and created the vast, expanding circles of understanding out there.  Many have followed you since then and my prayer is that many more will wake up.

I know that you will turn this time of tribulation into your own time of triumph (and I'm looking forward to your book!).  Your messages are still going strong while you are in jail.  God is great and prayers are going out to you.

With Love,

Regina McQueen