Letters to Dr. Gold: Dave Morgan

Dear Dr Gold,

I am a UK citizen living in Mid-Wales who has been following your amazing work since AFLDS was formed and admire your courage and dedication to speaking the truth.

Throughout the COVID era, I have listened to your talks and those of your colleagues and felt moved to support your work financially. You have given hope to so many people and the information and advice on your website has been invaluable to me as a 68-year-old who has declined to be injected with an experimental gene therapy treatment. I am fit and healthy and will never submit to it.

I am appalled that you are being victimised for merely stating facts and I hope that one day, those responsible for this grave injustice will be held to account. They obviously fear the truth and think they can silence you but clearly they are wrong.

There are a small number of UK doctors who are speaking out against COVID tyranny but we desperately need a British Front Line Doctors group to be formed to fight the battle we face.

I have visited the USA many times over the years and have a great affection for your country and people, many of whom are great friends. America may no longer be the land of the free, but it is still the home of the brave and you will prevail.

God bless and take care of you.  

Dave Morgan