Letters to Dr. Gold: Darrin McKay

On July 26th, Dr. Gold entered federal prison, and has since been inundated with letters of encouragement, support and love from the thousands she has helped throughout the years.

The following is a very small fraction of those letters.

Dr. Gold,

My name is Darrin McKay and I am a 54-year-old Police Lieutenant in the State of Connecticut. I just wanted to take a moment and write you to let you know that I am thinking about you and that I will have you in my thoughts and prayers. Your courage and your tireless work to educate our nation is beyond commendable and you should be extremely proud of the work you do. 

What happened to you is an absolute disgrace and anyone who is not outraged to the very core of their being are simply asleep at the wheel. Given the state of affairs here in our nation, I am not surprised; nonetheless, you are a brave and tireless warrior and your voice should not and cannot be silenced. 

Unfortunately, the United States of America is no longer what it used to be; and with the leadership we currently have at the wheel, both federally as well as so many at the state level, it's sad to say that our nation is a laughing stock in the eyes of so many other nations across the globe. I never thought there would come a day when I would see so many of our God-given rights in jeopardy; however, that day has come and gone. 

In any event, you are truly an inspiration and I will have you and all of your colleagues from AFLDS in my prayers and I pray that God will fill you with an unshakeable faith and relentless courage in your fight for FREEDOM.

May God bless you!

Darrin McKay