Left plans to resurrect Trump to fight off ‘red tsunami’

Facing an unprecedented Republican takeover in the 2022 midterm elections, the Left’s strategy is to return to what they know: vilifying Donald Trump. 

“We still have a villain. We’ll have to remind people of what that was like,” Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) told Politico. “And that sure scares the hell out of me.” 

Peters also lamented that focus was taken off January 6th.  

“For God’s sake, how did we get to the point where ... the base voters are so mad about two of our own senators, rather than Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump and Jan. 6? That is a tremendously mismanaged situation,” he added. 

Republicans have beat out Democrats in the last eight out of ten generic polls. According to Real Clear Politics, those polls average out to a 3.5-point lead for Republicans.  

Kenosha, Wisconsin, one of the most violent sites of Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 – in which protesters caused $50 million worth of damage and destroyed 40 businesses – just elected its first-ever Republican county executive. 

Last week, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd warned that Democrats are in “shellacking territory” when it comes to the midterm elections. 

In Trump’s absence, the Left has been desperately trying to breathe new life into January 6th as their ace-in-the-hole to defeat Republicans this November. But that narrative, too, may have just breathed its last breath. 

On Wednesday, Federal Judge Trevor McFadden acquitted Matthew Martin, a Stop the Steal protestor who entered the Capitol building on January 6th.  

Martin was charged with four misdemeanor counts: entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. 

Judge McFadden acquitted Martin on all counts due to the fact that Capitol police allowed the protestors in and did not stop them, leading Martin to believe that he really was allowed to be there.