Large COVID vaccine center in Bristol, England shut down through citizens’ efforts

A large COVID vaccine center at the University of West of England, Bristol Saturday was temporarily closed down through the efforts of a small group of concerned citizens.

The group included several former police officers and soldiers, teachers, and others. They were motivated to take a stand following the release the previous week of a peer-reviewed paper by renowned cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra in London, a former vaccine advocate. The paper contained new information linking the COVID vaccine to serious harm, injury, and death. 

The group stated that Dr. Malhotra’s paper has been presented to the British government, but the government has done nothing to act on these alarming findings.

Upon arriving at the vaccine center on Saturday, the group of citizens informed the center’s personnel and security of their intent to present “irrefutable evidence” about the vaccine’s harms that must inevitably lead to a shut-down of the center. At that time, around 300 people were present at the center to receive COVID vaccinations, many of them children.

The Avon and Somerset police were called. Mark Sexton, a former policeman and one of the spokesmen for the citizens’ group, presented Dr. Malhotra’s medical findings to the two police officers present. After hearing the evidence, the police officers decided that the center should be shut down for the foreseeable future until next steps become clear.

The crime reference number recorded with the Avon and Somerset police is 5222236390. The offenses committed are misconduct in public office, grievous bodily harm (GBH), gross negligent manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, and conspiracy to commit all of the above.

Throughout all interactions with center personnel and police, the citizens repeated that they would remain calm, and were not there to cause any harm or harassment. Mark Sexton emphasized the group’s concern: “We are parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. We are here out of love, compassion, and respect for our fellow man. These vaccinations have to stop.”

In video footage of the day’s events, another member of the citizens’ group encouraged viewers to take the same action at their local police stations and vaccination centers: “I need for the brave men and women listening today…to step up. As you can see, it doesn’t take hundreds of us. We have only a handful of people…”

“Remember that we’re all in the same boat. We’ve all been lied to, we’ve all been deceived…go down [to your local police station] calmly, professionally, fairly, but firm. We are in our right to do so. If the police are incompetent in their duty in law, then we the people can take that power back. Nothing built by man can stand over man.”