Judge quashes DC law allowing children as young as 11 to receive experimental injections without parents’ consent

by Mary Kate Moran, AFLDS Paralegal and David Dalia, AFLDS Attorney

On March 18, 2022, Federal Judge Trevor McFadden blocked a D.C. law permitting kids as young as 11 to receive experimental COVID-19 injections - or any other vaccines - without parental consent.  Judge McFadden temporarily halted the law on the grounds it is unconstitutional. 

D.C. quietly passed the “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act Amendment of 2020” (MCA Law) on December 23, 2020, and it became effective in March 2021. A group of D.C. area plaintiff parents responded by filing two separate lawsuits against the MCA Law in the summer of 2021. 

The parents’ lawsuits allege violations of religious freedom and parental rights. They also argue the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA), which is a federal law, supersedes the D.C. law.  The NCVIA requires that any healthcare worker who administers shots to children must notify the parents or legal guardians.  In sharp contrast, the MCA Law requires doctors and schools to actively lie to parents who claimed religious exemptions and to create unlawful and fraudulent medical records. This sounds more like a criminal activity than a public health activity. 

As Del Bigtree explained on his March 18, 2022 episode of “The Highwire”: “What this law did was basically force the doctor to lie to the parents and create a fake vaccination record.  It also forced the school to lie to the parents about the actual vaccination record of the child.  It forced the insurance company to create fake billing so the parents couldn’t see that they’ve been billed for this vaccination.”  See the video here.

When has anyone ever heard of a “law” that “requires” doctors and teachers to create misleading, fraudulent, and false medical records?

The defendants were backed by the D.C. Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (DCAAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), and other premier medical groups.  DCAAP AND AMA filed an amicus brief on August 6, 2021, stating, “Vaccination is a critically important area of medical care in which minors who are capable of giving informed consent should be permitted to obtain treatment without parent approval [emphasis added].”   

At the other end of the spectrum, highly credentialed America’s Frontline Doctor and Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, asserts that healthy children from ages 5 to 17 may not benefit from receiving the injections.  He states, “Based on currently available data, the risks of administering COVID-19 vaccination among healthy children may outweigh the benefits. That is why these decisions should be made on an individual basis, and never mandated.”  To that end, on March 8, 2022, Florida became the first state in the U.S. to issue pediatric guidance recommending children from ages 5 to 17 may not benefit from injections.  See here or here.

Although the AAP (DC Chapter) and the AMA amici state that they are dedicated to “child and adolescent health”, and denounce vaccine “conspiracy theories”, there is no mention of the very real dangers to children (as evidenced by the over one million recorded reports of mRNA injection adverse reactions) made in their amicus brief.  These adverse reactions include reports of 26,058 deaths, 143,554 hospitalizations, 37,133 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, and 48,342 permanently disabled individuals among all age groups, as recorded by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of the date of this writing. See here

Additionally, the CDC makes claims the injections are safe for children. However, as of this writing, VAERS reports 91 deaths, 1,238 cases of myocarditis, and 386 cases of children ages 5 to 17 who have been permanently disabled from the injections.  See here.  

What’s more alarming is the current deaths and injuries among all age groups is likely much higher.  While the exact numbers in all categories is unknown, it’s estimated that fewer than 1% of adverse reactions to the injections are reported to the FDA. See here and here.

Also completely missing from the amici's defense of surreptitious mRNA injections of children without parental consent or knowledge, is the now known fact that these experimental mRNA injections fail the FDA 50% efficacy test, according to a March 22, 2022 article by Meryl Nass, M.D. of the Children’s Health Defense.  See “Pfizer COVID Vaccine for Kids 5 - 11 Fails FDA Standard for 50% Efficacy” or see here.

It’s challenging for many adults to deal with the current onslaught of unprecedented injection mandates.  Imagine what it is like for children and teens who have been inundated by an intense, relentless, (and likely illegal) mass-media propaganda campaign to be injected. Teenagers have always been more susceptible and vulnerable to peer and societal pressures.  The MCA Law is aimed at persuading this very population to be injected and making the decision much easier and more convenient.   

The MCA Law is comprised of several devious and underhanded tactics which seemingly encourage a susceptible young child to pursue the injections.  For example, injection clinics are placed in and around the school areas and rewards are given to participants.  Under the MCA Law, the healthcare person administering the injections can receive financial compensation via the parents’ health insurer.  Yet the insurer is not required to notify the parents of the injections or the reimbursement.   

Under the MCA Law, a child may collaborate with the school and other health agencies to surreptitiously obtain his immunization record and override any parental religious exemption to injections or vaccines.  This makes it easy for a child to receive an injection without parental knowledge.  Interestingly, the MCA Law does not attempt to reach into the sanctity of medical exemptions filed by parents.  The MCA Law is a rather brazen attempt to overrule religious (versus secular) parents’ rights over their child’s body and health.   

Thankfully, Judge McFadden agreed with the plaintiffs and ruled in the parents’ favor in both lawsuits. Judge McFadden found the following: 

“The District’s law requires providers to hide children’s vaccination status from parents who invoke their religious exemption rights but not from other parents…[emphasis added].” 

“...If a minor’s parent has filed a religious exemption for the child and the child elects to get a vaccine anyway, a healthcare provider must leave blank part 3 of the Certificate…(Part 3 is the child’s immunization record). This serves to obfuscate the child’s vaccination from his parents [emphasis added].”

“...The Court finds that the MCA causes Booth’s injury because without it there is no avenue for minors to receive vaccines absent parental consent. Removing the law would revert the District to the standard age of consent of 18. See 22-B D.C.M.R. § 600.1.”  See “Memorandum Opinion, Mazer v. Bowser, et al., 21-cv-01782, March 18, 2022, US Dist. Court, DC” or see here.

As Judge McFadden pointed out, the legal age of consent in D.C. is 18 years of age under 22-B D.C.M.R. § 600.1. There are only narrow exceptions to the legal age of consent for minors in that statute, due to their youth, inexperience, and lack of mature judgment and sound decision-making. The MCA Law purported to apply to “minors who are capable of giving informed consent.” 

One must wonder how “informed consent” -- as opposed to coercion and peer pressure -- could possibly be given by a minor absent parental consent. There is intense, pro-Covid injection propaganda present in the D.C. school system.  Are the VAERS adverse reaction statistics, statistical risks, and the failure of the FDA’s 50% Efficacy Test discussed with the 5- to 11-year-old children during the teacher's “informed consent” conversations with them?

Judge McFadden’s ruling is indeed pivotal.  It not only sets a legal precedent for religious freedom against injection tyranny for individuals of all ages but especially children.  There is a similar bill in California (Senate Bill 866) which, if passed, would allow kids as young as 12 to be injected with the injections without their parents’ consent.  Hopefully, Judge McFadden’s ruling will effectively halt the rollout of Senate Bill 866 and any future or similarly concocted bills.  

Related News Links:  

CHD Wins Federal District Court Injunction On DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act (salsalabs.org) 

 Judge Blocks Washington Law That Let Children Get Vaccines Without Parental Consent (theepochtimes.com) 

 Federal court blocks DC law allowing minors to consent to vaccination - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) 
