John Kerry’s activities remain mystery to American public

Internal emails leaked last week reveal that Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry has been crafting policies with Left-wing environmental groups while refusing to consult with fossil fuel energy companies. 

The emails, provided to Fox News by government watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT), show that Kerry sought input from organizations such as the United Nations Foundation and the Sierra Club as to whether the United States should support statements from other G7 leaders calling to phase out gas-powered vehicles and ban “fossil fuel financing”. 

Kerry also discussed infrastructure initiatives with the groups. 

Other activist organizations Kerry consulted with include Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, Oil Change International, the Climate Reality Project, World Resources Institute, the Bank Information Center, RMI and the Center for International Environmental Law. 

Notably missing from the emails were any discussions with fossil fuel companies to hear their positions on these subjects, along with any possible consequences which may arise from such policies. 

John Kerry’s SPEC office remains a glaring black hole in the U.S. government, with the American public kept much in the dark about the climate commissar’s activities. 

Other internal emails from Kerry’s office obtained this month by PPT via a FOIA request reveal references to “elements we can’t put on paper”. 

In a March email concerning the budget for fiscal year 2022-2023 titled, “updated memo for JK on FY23 budget settlement,” one employee wrote, “I would also suggest a call or meeting soon with jk to update him on FY22 and 23, focusing on all the elements we can’t put on paper.” 

The former secretary of state’s salary also remains a secret, even as the salaries of other government officials are public knowledge, being footed as they are by American taxpayers. 

The State Department outright refused to disclose this information in response to a FOIA request by the Boston Herald in March, saying that the request “does not demonstrate a ‘compelling need’ for the requested information. Therefore, this Office denies your request for expedited processing.” 

Instead, the State Department’s FOIA office notified the Herald that it can expect to receive an answer in 2024. 

Kerry’s public activities largely consist of jetting around the globe in his private plane while warning that the end is nigh if others do not reduce their carbon emissions. 

In March just after the outset of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Kerry announced that climate change is an even greater existential threat than the war, warning about “climate refugees”. 

In February, Kerry also expressed concern that the war would distract people from the threat of changing weather.