John Kerry may resign in fear of Republican takeover, says report

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry is actively considering resigning from his post in November, in part because he fears scrutiny by a Republican House and Senate, according to Axios. 

“He doesn’t relish being hauled before his former colleagues in a potentially Republican-controlled Senate or House to defend his approach to lowering carbon emissions — including his family's private jet," wrote the news outlet, which then defended Kerry by clarifying that “for government trips, Kerry flies commercial.” 

Many polls, including those from mainstream media outlets, are predicting a red wave this November. 

Kerry faces scrutiny over more than just climate hypocrisy, though. As reported by America’s Frontline News, John Kerry’s SPEC office remains a glaring black hole in the U.S. government, with the American public kept much in the dark about the climate commissar’s activities. 

Internal emails from Kerry’s office obtained in August by government watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) via a FOIA request reveal references to “elements we can’t put on paper”.  

In a March email concerning the budget for fiscal year 2022-2023 titled, “updated memo for JK on FY23 budget settlement,” one employee wrote, “I would also suggest a call or meeting soon with jk to update him on FY22 and 23, focusing on all the elements we can’t put on paper.”  

The former secretary of state’s salary also remains a secret, even as the salaries of other government officials are public knowledge, being footed as they are by American taxpayers.  

The State Department refused to disclose this information in response to a FOIA request from the Boston Herald in March, saying that the request “does not demonstrate a ‘compelling need’ for the requested information. Therefore, this Office denies your request for expedited processing.”  

Instead, the State Department’s FOIA office notified the Herald that it can expect to receive an answer in 2024. 

Other leaked internal emails reveal that Kerry has been crafting policies with Left-wing environmental groups while refusing to consult with fossil fuel energy companies.   

Another reason for Kerry’s likely exit from the Biden administration is so he can “increase his personal net worth.” Kerry, who is worth an estimated $250 million, is married to Teresa Heinz, heiress to the Heinz fortune who also holds assets in other corporations such as Walmart and Pfizer. 

“While Kerry enjoys a wealthy lifestyle from his wife's fortune, he is interested in returning to the private sector to increase his own personal net worth. (Before entering the administration, Kerry drew a $5 million salary from Bank of America.),” reported Axios. 

Kerry also appears to either be fed up or a failure, having “hinted to colleagues that he has achieved all that can be reasonably accomplished in the current political environment — both domestically and internationally.” 

Kerry is reportedly considering making the move after November's COP27 climate summit in Egypt.