Joey Gilbert exposed: Left-wing politics; gun control, high taxes, more regs, illegal immigration

The latest exposé of Joey Gilbert, by Network in Vegas, begins with a straightforward admission.

After exposing Joey Gilbert as a Democrat asset who worked for years to help elect the same democrats and socialists who enacted the mask and vaccine mandates into office, we thought we were done exposing the drug-addicted grifter.

Just another RINO?

The exposé, entitled,  Democrat Gun Control Group Working to Help Get Joey Gilbert Elected, makes the case that Gilbert is not a typical RINO (Republican In Name Only) politician in that he lacks even one truly held conservative position.

Joey Gilbert is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The longtime Democrat fundraiser, a guy who literally gave money to socialists … Gilbert not only donated to democrats and socialists, he literally threw them expensive fundraisers to help them get elected…

Gilbert, despite claiming he had no idea that Segerblom was a socialist when he donated to his campaign, has a long history with Tick, and even helped him draft a bill…

Gun control

Gilbert’s supporters are tied to 2nd Amendment opponents.

[The] only listed officer [of the PAC funding his campaign] is Truman Fleming, a Las Vegas-based real estate agent linked to Democratic Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui — a prominent gun control advocate. 

Illegal immigration

Gilbert doesn’t just support helping illegal aliens fight deportation orders through the legal system, he helps them avoid the legal system.

[Gilbert]  somehow managed to trick people into believing he was a conservative – despite running a law firm that floods Nevada with illegal aliens and has been caught tipping off illegals to coming ICE raids on numerous occasions … 

High taxes

Gilbert … doesn’t want you to know it but he supported the largest tax increase in Nevada history … Michelle Fiori called out Joey Gilbert in the Governors Debate on February 8 for his support of the 2015 Gross Receipts Tax. Joey called Michelle, a “nut job” for her opposition to the tax.

The only thing worse than pushing higher taxes is pushing higher taxes on all residents for the benefit of one.

While on stage at the debate, he admitted he supported the tax because [then Governor] Brian Sandoval was his Fraternity Brother. Good to know Mr. MAGA has no actual spine!

Drug regulations

Libertarians supporting the legalization of drugs might be impressed by Gilbert’s backing of legal marijuana. Gilbert’s push for freedom in this area, though, does not extend to individuals growing their own marijuana - they would still be criminals according to Gilbert. Rather, his “legalization” efforts are to protect licensed dealers, like himself, from competition. 

Gilbert is a partner at Nevada cannabis company CANNAVATIVE and a director at MYNT Cannabis Dispensary, where he used his political connections to help his company, but not regular citizens, profit from hemp. Network in Vegas reports,

And back to his drug dealing … In 2017, Gilbert admits in a RENO 2NEWs interview that his Frat Buddy, then Governor Sandoval, was helping him push an emergency measure that would help him push more drugs in Nevada.

He told the news channel, “At Mynt Cannabis they say they’re doing close to 11 times their previous amount of sales. They’re hoping that this emergency measure will come through, so they can keep on selling. “It’s absolutely ridiculous that we are waiting to bring product from our own warehouses and we can’t do it because of this distribution issue. So the governor is stepping in for us and I think he’s going to get it done,” says Joey Gilbert.”

Gilbert even gives a video tour of his company benefiting from cannabis regulations, as seen in a tweet with this caption:

Joey Gilbert’s campaign is trying to hide the fact that he supported democrat Tick Segerblom & Arron Ford because he was trying to become a legal drug dealer. Here he is with democrats at dispensary he owns & sold you out for — his campaign is trying to scrub videos from internet

Joey Gilbert’s campaign is trying to hide the fact that he supported democrat Tick Segerblom & Arron Ford because he was trying to become a legal drug dealer. Here he is with democrats at dispensary he owns & sold you out for — his campaign is trying to scrub videos from internet

— (@Networkinvegas) June 12, 2022

Network in Vegas concludes:

Of course none of it was ever about legalizing pot; otherwise he would have fought to allow people to legally grow it at their own homes — it was always about enriching himself at the expense of actual Nevadans …

Those journalists reported in an updated article that, today, Gilbert has financial interests in over 80 dispensaries in Nevada. 

COVID tyranny

Network in Vegas journalists believe actions speak louder than words, and take Gilbert to task for his actions related to COVID policy.

While Gilbert has managed to trick some into believing he is some diehard MAGA conservative, the fact is he is a democrat activist who figured out pretending to be against masks and showing up at rallies could help him throw the Republican primaries into chaos. And of course, make a little money grifting on the way!

While Gilbert makes ads denouncing Communism and Socialism, it didn’t stop him from donating to democrat socialist and one of the people who voted for the mask mandate, Clark County Commissioner Richard “Tick” Segerblom …


Gilbert used this alleged “opposition” to mask mandates to enter the management of America’s Frontline Doctors, despite his lack of a healthcare background, and has since tried to remove the actual doctor who founded the organization. The list of maneuvers he has gone through in an attempt to make that happen will be revealed in the coming days.

What’s next?

Check back as we continue our series on Gilbert and look at these questions:

  1. Why did Gilbert attack President Trump?
  2. How has Gilbert tried to replace the doctor who founded AFLDS with non-doctors?
  3. Why is Gilbert taking money from AFLDS donors while not developing any programming or activities?
  4. What sanctions do the Professional Conduct Rules provide for attorneys committing perjury?
  5. Who is the mysterious man funding Gilbert?

Gilbert corruption

Learn more about Joey Gilbert’s schemes, sanctions, reprimands, suspensions, political grifting and assisting illegals evade law enforcement.