It’s a lie that they’re concerned about the environment'

A referendum last week was held in Ecuador on oil extraction in the Amazon, specifically in Yasuní. Ecuadorians voted to stop oil exploitation in the Yasuní National Park.

Yasuní is located in the Amazon basin, a protected natural area that has an extension of one million hectares. It is one of the most biodiverse areas on Earth, with 150 species of amphibians, 121 reptiles, 598 bird species, approximately 204 mammal species and around 3,100 plant species.

According to the Constitutional Court ruling, the state oil company Petroecuador has one year to dismantle its facilities that has operated since 2016, and cost close to $2,000 million to build.

Human rights activist Ing. Glenda García said: “It’s a lie that they’re concerned about the environment or improving people’s living conditions. The goal is to eliminate fossil fuels and switch to electric power. In turn, they come to control water resources - which would put territorial sovereignty, health and economy at risk - with clauses that will be imposed by globalist investors from the World Economic Forum.”

A well-known Panamanian cartoonist was sentenced to eight years in prison, disqualified from holding public office for a term of two years, and meted a $5,000 fine for a cartoon that offended the former Panamanian attorney general. He was accused of causing “psychological injury.”

Eduardo Narváez, known as Edunar54, created a caricature contrasting Kelia Isolda Porcell with a Russian model. The ex-prosecutor claimed to be psychologically affected by the cartoon, and filed a complaint with the nation’s Prosecutor's Office Court.

According to Panamá América, Narváez defense lawyer Miguel Antonio Bernal considers the act "an attack on freedom of speech; there are international conventions that are being violated," calling the procedure "a way to intimidate media opposition. The process brought by the ex-prosecutor against the cartoonist is rigged, flawed, distorted. Every minute that passes without this process being declared invalid, evidences the danger and the sword of Damocles that weighs on all citizens."

Many commented that Panama's penal code establishes a four-year penalty for anyone who mistreats a minor, saying "the penalty for making a caricature of an official is higher than for raping a child."

During the trial, Narváez reiterated that he will not apologize to Porcell for the caricature.

Meanwhile in Panama, a drought has left more than 200 vessels stuck at the Panama Canal, "currently waiting to transit, a figure that has been climbing since the canal capped daily transits to 32 last month from an average 36 under normal conditions," according to the Wall Street Journal

The restrictions have caused a bottleneck in the waterway forcing some ships to divert. Climate operatives from the media have blamed "climate change" as the cause of Panama's drought, while ignoring El Niño, a weather pattern that brings drier conditions to much of Central America.

A Catholic seminary in Costa Rica that has had annual week-long classes on sexuality as part of clergy training for 25 years last week attacked an expose by LifeSiteNews, claiming that “The experience has been very fruitful for the work on the human dimension of formation as requested by the church documents… The programs of the workshops of this week of human formation do not address the issues of homosexuality, masturbation or gender identity as they are exposed in the article, and in their entirety, they adhere to what the church teaches in its Mastery.”

However, LifeSiteNews maintains that classes do promote gender disorientation, masturbation, including topics such as orgasms and penetration - teaching future priests that "pleasure cannot be denied and that masturbation is not a sin."

“Sexologist” Margarita Murillo was one of the specialists who designed the controversial study plan, teaching homosexuality not "as a sin but as an option" and encouraging "respect for different sexual orientations."

A Franciscan priest from Costa Rica who worked with Murillo has used his platform with thousands of viewers to promote the “sexologist” as a Costa Rican psychologist, "gender expert”, an ardent advocate of "LGBT ideology," and sexual perversion.

Paraguay has registered an increase in HIV cases representing 140% in the last five years. The increase was detected during 2021 and 2022, claimed a National AIDS Control Program report published this week.

According to the report, people between ages 25-34 are most often diagnosed while last year, 112 people died with HIV. The cause has not been established, but the outbreak coincides with the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

Meanwhile, Paraguay Senate Commission for the Family, Childhood, Adolescence and Youth President Senator Lizarella Valiente has proposed a bill to forbid teaching “gender ideology” in educational institutions, thereby retracting its European Union educational system cooperation agreement.

Senator Valiente, along with other Paraguayan senators, seek to prohibit gender disorientation in schools, which if approved, will be applied without exception in all educational institutions in the country, at all levels, public or private, including in face-to-face, video, or hybrid classes.