Israeli physician: 'Slow, creeping, but worsening slide towards totalitarian dictatorship'

Responding to Israel’s Supreme Court decision Wednesday that overruled government-imposed limits on passengers allowed to enter Israel by air, the main edition of Channel 12 News presenter Amalia Dueck stated emphatically "that the sky will not open, despite the Supreme Court decision."

Internal medicine and gastroenterology specialist Dr. Shmuel Rochberger responded to the Channel 12 report, saying: “The significance to democracy and rule of law did not seem important or disturbing to her at all - if only to discuss it.”

Dr. Rochberger continued: “The fact that such an unusual decision by the Supreme Court raises great suspicion of the possibility that the Health Ministry has been running, perhaps for a long time - on a very loose medical and scientific basis - was not raised at all.”

Dr. Rochberger concluded: “This style of Amalia Dueck is not unusual in the Israeli media today, and in fact characterizes them all; they have all come to terms with a slow, creeping, but worsening slide towards a totalitarian dictatorship, where human dignity and freedom will be nothing more than a distant memory.”