Israeli inaction prompts opinions that campaign likely coordinated with Iran and Hezbollah

A widespread, coordinated attack at around 6:30 AM Israel time today was launched from the Gaza Strip in a combined operation that included hundreds of rockets fired at Israeli towns, and simultaneous mass infiltration by Muslim attackers into Israeli towns and villages in the Gaza area.

There are reports of several hundreds killed, thousands wounded, and scores of live hostages kidnapped to Gaza including women and an unspecified number of IDF soldiers.

Muslims penetrated dozens of IDF outposts with drones and jeeps, and conquered entire towns including the city of Sderot armed with missiles and machine guns. Sderot's police station was reportedly surrounded and the police are barricaded inside after having run out of ammunition.

Towns in the south were occupied by the Muslim forces, some of which continue to be under Muslim occupation until the time of this report, with hostages being held in houses. Muslim forces managed to transport IDF military vehicles to Gaza.

The Muslims released videos of the events in real time to enflame the crowds in Gaza and Israel.

Hamas has declared all-out war, and is calling on Iran, Hezbollah, the Muslims of Judea and Samaria and Israel to join the fighting.

The Israeli security apparatus has not responded effectively so far. Reserves were called up, and sporadic bombings were reported in Gaza, but so far they appear insignificant.

Regional observers question Israeli inaction, and say the campaign is likely coordinated with Iran and Hezbollah, and that the fighting is expected to expand into a regional war with the partnership of Israeli Arab citizens and those of Judea and Samaria, to provide a pretext for globalist intervention.

Prior to the attacks, widespread incitement began on all online platforms and in mosques in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. In addition, riots began, and an attack also took place near Beit Aryeh where a Muslim who tried to stab a guard was killed, while in Jabal Mukabar in East Jerusalem a police station was set on fire.

Rabbis published a special message calling on the people of Israel to prepare for combat, to carry weapons and cellphones even though it is Shabbat and a festival day, and to prepare for defense and protection.

Rabbi Chananya Weissman of Jerusalem wrote: “Hundreds of terrorists were able to cross the border by surprise and capture entire communities with little to no military response for many hours, in a country blanketed by cameras, with supposedly some of the best intelligence in the world, and we're supposed to believe this was a surprise attack.”