Israel vs Israelis

Frontline News recently covered the actions of Israeli bureaucrats and their supporters attempting to keep elected officials “subordinate” to them and their unpopular policies, including the history of governmental support for the Soviet-backed revolution in Iran. We also covered how Israeli state actors in its health ministry deceived Israelis about the safety of the mRNA injections.

Israel's elected officials have also put Israelis in danger, bringing thousands of Marxist operatives into Israel and providing them with land, money, weapons, armored vehicles, and military training, immediately after the head of the nation's Labor Party (a party which was a member of the Socialist International until a recent dispute with them) won a political campaign with a “pre-election promise that he would oppose a Palestinian state.”


Members of the PLO, an organization dominated by the Marxist-Leninist PFLP and Al Fatah which is a member party of the Socialist International, were run out of Lebanon and “languished far away, in Tunisian exile” before unelected Israeli bureaucrats began secret, illegal talks to bring them into Israel and provide them with land, money and guns, while deceiving Israelis about exactly who was being invited into their nation:

Israeli leaders concealed from the Israeli public that Al Fatah was spawned by the leadership of the German Nazi Final Solution.

Israeli state operatives, together with their supporters in the Knesset, instead, worked to calm citizens with promises of peace. But they never backtracked when attacks quintupled after the PLO’s arrival.  PLO officials , in fact, expressed publicly that they intended to use their newly acquired land in the next stage of the PLO's “phased plan” to wage a guerrilla war to destroy Israel.

Terrorizing Jewish citizens 

Israel's unelected bureaucracy pushed through an agreement by which billions of dollars of customs taxes Israel collects at its borders are transferred to the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA), despite the PA not needing to fund an army to defend its own borders as the Israeli army defends those borders. When the PA was caught giving a large percentage of those funds to convicted murderers and their families, as an incentive for future murderers, the elected members of Israel’s Knesset (legislature) passed a law, with the overwhelming support of the populace, requiring the government to deduct the amount of money the PA transfers to “terrorists” and their families. 

To circumvent this law, Israel's unelected bureaucrats put out claims that the PA was “unstable” due to a lack of funds, despite receiving more aid “than any group of people in history,” including four times more aid than refugees in other groups. Unelected officials attended closed door meetings with elected officials like then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to warn of an impending collapse of the PA, threatening that an even more extreme entity will replace the PA (as opposed to simply continuing to rule but spending less on equipment, training, and salaries for murderers). 

Assured of public backing, Netanyahu in 2020 allowed the resumption of funding to the PA violating that law.  Unsurprisingly, the PA continued to pass the money to convicted murderers. World Israel News reported:

The opposition slammed the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu . . . following reports that Israel failed to stop the transfer of hundreds of millions in tax money to the Palestinian Authority that it uses to pay convicted terrorists and their families.

A report by Kan Radio . . . revealed that despite a new law forcing Israel to deduct the amount of money equal to the “pay-for-slay” salaries, the entire amount has been transferred to the PA for the past two months.

Netanyahu even turned to the U.S. for help funding the PA, only to be turned down.  As reported in the Jerusalem Post,

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested that Washington allow the transfer of $12 million to Palestinian security forces, but  President Donald Trump denied the request, Channel 13 reported.

“If it’s so important for Netanyahu, he should pay the Palestinians $12 million,” senior White House officials told Channel 13, quoting the president.

The more taxpayer money the PA receives, from both Israeli citizens and citizens of other nations that “donate” part of their tax collections to the PA, also allows the PA to expand its workforce, a workforce whose members are sometimes encouraged to carry out Islamic attacks. The more employees on the PA payroll, the more people there are who may find it difficult to refuse to participate in an attack planned or supported by their employer, after being a member of the organization and receiving a relatively high salary for some time.

One UK study specifically found that PA employees were taking part in attacks.

An independent British study has found that a UK grant provided to the Palestinian Authority is “more likely” to boost terrorism, as the funding has been used to support civil servants convicted of carrying out terrorist acts.

According to the Telegraph on Sunday, the Overseas Development Institute said in its report that a £156.4 million ($221.7 million) UK aid project to the PA encouraged civil servants to take part in “active conflict,” as their families would still receive a salary even if they were jailed for criminal activity, including terrorism.

The paper noted that the British taxpayer was actively funding Palestinian terrorism.

Terrorizing Arab citizens 

Israel cannot be accused of bringing the PLO to Israel to benefit Israeli Arabs, as the mere presence of PLO leader Yasser Arafat endangered countless Palestinian teenagers. According to an ex-NSA analyst, Arafat preyed on boys.  He said,

Arafat always had several of these 13-15 year old boys in his entourage. We figured out that he would often recall several of these boys to Beirut just before he would leave for a trip outside Lebanon. It proved to be a good indicator of Arafat's travel plans. While Arafat did have a regular security detail, many of those thought to be security personnel – the teenage boys – were actually there for other purposes. [Emphases added].

Adult Arabs were in danger as well.

As in any communist revolution, the PLO must use terrorism against the very people it claims to be liberating, in order to create an illusion of popular support for the intifada. For many years, the PLO had already been directing many of its terrorist attacks against palestinians [sic] and Arabs in general. In the intifada, this violence is now used against palestinians [sic] in the West Bank and Gaza. 

The goal was generally to coerce Arabs to join strikes, protests, and riots.

Merchants who fail to close their shops when a strike is called, or who do not pay taxes to the PLO, have their shops burned to the ground; buses that carry palestinians [sic] to work in Israel are also burned, keeping the workers from earning the money to feed their families. 

Often, though, the violence was not directed at political opponents or those who refused to join riots.

Terror squads receiving money and orders from the PLO, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas attack people they accuse of collaborating with Israel, although the PLO itself admits the majority of such accusations are false. As one journalist has described it, the purpose is purely to intimidate: 

“Palestinians live in daily terror of these squads. Some common murder techniques are beheading, mutilation, gouging out eyes, cutting off ears or limbs, and pouring molten plastic or acid on a victim’s face.” Often the victim is shot or stabbed in broad daylight, in full view of palestinian [sic] bystanders. 

By 1994, a staggering number of Arabs had been killed by Arafat’s squads.

Some one thousand palestinians [sic] have been killed by the terror squads, and many others injured.

Elites not in danger

The highest ranking leaders of Israel need not worry that the terror they have funded will directly affect them, as they do not ride public transportation, sit in unguarded eateries, or frequent other such targets. Nor is there any danger to foreign leaders who publicly pressure Israel to continue funding the PA, pushing wavering Israeli politicians to back down from threats to halt the funding while providing cover to those politicians who want to continue the funding but need an excuse to explain their actions to a weary public.

Recently, the Israeli public expressed their disdain for the risks to their security taken by their leaders by voting in political parties promising to end the funding of murder. The reaction from the US administration was swift. The Algemeiner reports: 

US State Department spokesman Ned Price on Monday described a series of Israeli measures meant to curb and punish Palestinian terrorism as a “unilateral move” that “exacerbates tensions.”

As part of the measures, Israel on Sunday transferred $39.5 million of taxes and tariffs collected for the P.A. to the victims of terrorism and their families.

At a press conference, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said, “We promised to fix this, and today we are correcting an injustice. This is an important day for morality, for justice and for the fight against terrorism. There is no greater justice than offsetting the funds of the [Palestinian] Authority, which acts to support terrorism, and transferring them to the families of the victims of terrorism.”

The Security Cabinet also decided to immediately withhold taxes and tariffs collected on behalf of the P.A., in an amount equal to that which Ramallah paid to terrorists and their families in 2022 as part of its “pay-for-slay” policy. In 2021, the P.A. paid out an estimated 512 million shekels ($157 million) as part of this initiative.

When asked about the possible economic collapse of the P.A., Smotrich replied, “As long as the Palestinian Authority encourages terrorism and is an enemy, what interest do I have in helping it exist?”

Neither Price nor any other U.S. leader claimed that American citizens wanted their tax dollars, or Israeli tax dollars for that matter, to go to the PA or to subsidize the PA's “pay-for-slay” program. 

More coverage

Check back as we report on tyrannical leaders and unelected bureaucrats acting against their own populaces in China, Cuba, and Iran, and read our previous articles exposing despotism.

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